Duck egg air sac/humidity, am I doing this right??? (pictures attached)

Hopefully you can tell from this picture I didn't want to take her out of bator. If not let me know and I'll get her out real quick to try another picture. 20180722_132822.jpg 20180722_132747.jpg 20180722_132645.jpg
Yes she's sleeping and peeping. I check her often as I'm totally worried. Will continue to leave her be for as long as she needs it.


With just one duck in the bator do I need to adjust temp/humidity at all?
She'll finish pooping out soon enough. Do you have Poultry Nutri Drench that can help perk them up maybe offer some tomorrow.

I do actually, finally found it at Wilco far from my house. My little feed store here in town didn't have it or anything like it. Do I give it to her in the bator or just wait another day ?

oops.. read that wrong.. I see that you said offer tomorrow
:hit:hit I think I've got an emergency .. shes got liquid in there now. Not water consistent not super think but oh my lord I'm freaking out .. what is happening.. why does she have so much stuff out:hit:hit:wee
Please help! Can anything be done???? 20180722_144901.jpg 20180722_144856.jpg 20180722_144838.jpg

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