Duck Egg Size

Glad to hear they are getting larger.

One thing to keep in mind is that different breeds lay different size eggs. My Golden 300's lay more of a medium sized duck egg (like an extra large to jumbo chicken egg) and my Buff duck lays a slightly smaller egg and my Black Swedish lays a jumbo duck egg. Depending on the duck you may never get some of the eggs to stop wiggling in the carton but over all they should be like extra large chicken eggs or larger going beyond a jumbo chicken egg in size. At least that is what my experience has been in egg size. I hear the Pekins eggs can be huge.
Woohoo! Not only are the eggs getting fuller in size consistently but today duck #6 started laying. So 6 eggs a day now! Woohoo! Still waiting for 5 ducks to start laying. Because I did the pelvic space check on them last week- I know who the new layer is this week. THAT was fun to know. It was my son's duck and he treasures that egg! lol
we have 9 breeds total, and our egg sizes vary from smaller chicken sized eggs from our indian runners, to too big to fit in extra large egg carton from our moscovies
The duck that started laying first is actually the smallest and she is laying really big eggs. They are much bigger than chicken eggs.

My smallest duck also started laying first. She is my khaki Campbell and she was around 18 weeks. I was so surprised as I thought they would need to be older before laying. I was even more surprised that the egg of bigger than some of my chicken eggs. Now a couple of weeks laters my Mixed Campbell is laying, she is only 16 weeks but slightly bigger is size. They eggs are soooo small though. I guess the eggs will get bigger as she does. Amazing the difference between the egg sizes. I am excited to see what size egg my White Campbell lays. She is the largest of the three ducks.
My muscovy duck eggs are huge. They stopped laying for the molt so I went and bought large chicken eggs after running out. I showed my husband and was laughing at the puny size of these chicken eggs. Egg size is almost double by volume. No wonder we were eating two chicken eggs a day but one duck egg was enough after we got ducks. Have a picture.

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