Duck eggs causing me stomach pain?

I just came across this. I am having serious abdominal pains from eating duck eggs too. I have never experienced so much pain in my life, so much that I am even scared to eat chicken eggs now.

I bought the organic ones from Costco. The first several weeks of eating them went well for me, but all of a sudden I started experiencing excruciating abdominal pains that I had to rush myself to the A&E.

I shortly realised that it was the duck eggs that are causing the pains, after experiencing pains and even being sick, whenever I eat them. I think I may have developed a phobia for eggs now; I see them, I run like a sisi
I have three ducks that just recently started laying. I used one to make some corn bread and all was fine, haven't tried any other way yet. When I cook my chicken eggs I have to cook them well done or they run right through me. They don't bother anyone else in the family.
I just came across this. I am having serious abdominal pains from eating duck eggs too. I have never experienced so much pain in my life, so much that I am even scared to eat chicken eggs now.

I bought the organic ones from Costco. The first several weeks of eating them went well for me, but all of a sudden I started experiencing excruciating abdominal pains that I had to rush myself to the A&E.

I shortly realised that it was the duck eggs that are causing the pains, after experiencing pains and even being sick, whenever I eat them. I think I may have developed a phobia for eggs now; I see them, I run like a sisi
I can understand why goodness, alot of folks that are allergic to chicken eggs can eat duck eggs though. Sorry to hear about what happened to you.
I am so sad!! We have three Khaki Campbells that have been laying for a couple months and we have been happily gobbling the eggs, and now my husband and possibly daughter are getting stomach pain and nausea. None of us have egg allergies, though my hubby's stomach is the most sensitive. I am super relieved to read that all of you have had similar trouble, I was starting to wonder if I was poisoning them of maybe my birds were sick!! Had chickens for two years with no trouble. Was excited to try the duck eggs as I heard they were even better for you. sigh. I LOVE them for baking, everything comes out so fluffy. Maybe I will cut out the fried and scrambled and just see...Too bad my two year old chickens don't lay as well as those silly messy ducks!
My friend tried some of her duck eggs because I encouraged her to, she was reluctant to try them before. She totally can't eat them, she says they make her queasy too. I thought she was just being a brat, because she's kind of a brat and I love her for that. But guess not! She's not alone. She eats her own chicken eggs just fine.

I should probably tell her.

My family and I just started eating ours regularly and prefer them to chicken eggs. We have no problems with them, we love them!
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We just figured out my husband and daughter are allergic to duck eggs. Both times he has cooked them they have both become violently ill within a few hours. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and stomach cramps. My questions is we are raising them to hatch eggs for meat birds in the spring. If they are allergic to the eggs will they be allergic to the meat too?
I am so glad that i just researched this! I have been eating duck eggs for the last few weeks that a sweet friend had given me from her backyard ducks. Each time I ate them, including this morning, I started getting so sick to my stomach! Now I know, it's the eggs. So weird. I guess maybe they are just too rich for me. :(
I just found those comments and became a member now as I am lying down on the bed and recovering from sickness from eating a duck egg, so good to know there are many members who have the same situations!
We raise ducks and chickens and they are happy and laying eggs everyday. This is my 5th attempt with duck eggs as I didn't want to believe that I get sick from them for sudden, I love eating them and never had this stomack pain and nausea until 2 months ago. We didn't change any feed and my husband is totally ok and as I tested 5 times now, it is definately duck eggs make me sick. This started happening since my husband made salted eggs and fed me. I assume that it was too strong for my stomack to handle and since then my tolerence changed toward duck eggs...very sad, I wish I can find the way to change myself back to be able to eat duck eggs again.
I was Happy/Sad to find this thread on stomach issues after eating duck eggs! I had no problems eating duck eggs at first and I absolutely love the taste of them...richer and creamier is how i describe the taste. My first "symptom" appeared after 12 weeks...grumbling stomach, horrible gas, nausea. Thought it was just a bug. Ate duck eggs few days after, same thing minus nausea. Waited a week, ate duck eggs,30 minutes later, queasy and throwing up! I use Dumore layer pellets, ducks only forage in their pen, and occaisionly i have foraging cakes or dried mealworms for treats.

Has anyone figured out if its the feed or possibly an allergy to the Duck eggs? Help...I now have acquired a taste for duck eggs and do not like the taste of chicken eggs anymore, They taste "watered down"!
PS. We eat eggs almost daily!
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