Duck eggs causing me stomach pain?

Hmm. It could be anything from an allergy to something in your ducks' diet. My first guess would be allergies, some people, for whatever reason, develop allergies to duck eggs and not chicken eggs. I'm not a human doctor so heck if I know how that works. :p Or maybe there's something your ducks eat that you're ALREADY allergic too, which could also trigger a bad reaction!
I was Happy/Sad to find this thread on stomach issues after eating duck eggs! I had no problems eating duck eggs at first and I absolutely love the taste of them...richer and creamier is how i describe the taste. My first "symptom" appeared after 12 weeks...grumbling stomach, horrible gas, nausea. Thought it was just a bug. Ate duck eggs few days after, same thing minus nausea. Waited a week, ate duck eggs,30 minutes later, queasy and throwing up! I use Dumore layer pellets, ducks only forage in their pen, and occaisionly i have foraging cakes or dried mealworms for treats.

Has anyone figured out if its the feed or possibly an allergy to the Duck eggs? Help...I now have acquired a taste for duck eggs and do not like the taste of chicken eggs anymore, They taste "watered down"!
PS. We eat eggs almost daily!
You might want to get some test done for allergies. Duck eggs are significantly higher in certain things (certain vitamins, lipids, and amino acids) than chicken eggs. You could be allergic at the saturation levels in duck eggs but not in chicken eggs. If that is the case, you may actually have an egg allergy they you need to address.
I had one customer whose husband claimed he got bad eggs, as he got sick when he ate them (thought it didn't bother him in baked goods). No one else in the family was getting sick, so I quizzed the wife and found that he was eating his eggs "over easy".

No farm egg should be eaten 'over easy,' as I indicate on the egg box. Actually to be safe, perhaps no egg should be eaten without being fully cooked per FDA recommendation. My sister said chicken eggs at the store go through some kind of process and the hens have require vaccinations that backyard growers don't really need. So commercial eggs CAN be safer when partially cooked, but it's not a guarantee.

Anyway, my point is:

1. Yes people can be sensitive to duck eggs that manifest by stomach-ache or severe sickness due to an allergy or not being able to tolerate a rich egg.
2. If eating them partially cooked, you are running the risk of salmonella issues (I think with any egg, but this is just my opinion).

Keep um healthy--Keep um Happy -- Quack Quack
Have chickens and ducks.

Right off the bat, my roommate insisted the duck eggs made her seriously sick, then her dad said he couldn't eat them either. Both were insisting abdominal cramps, nausea, gas pain, and diarrhea, and my roommate throwing up. I honestly thought it was psychosomatic....since both of them were put off by the idea of duck ideas to begin with. They've been eating all the chicken eggs, which leaves me and my 4 yr old with the duck eggs. Now I'm getting sick too. I'm ill writing this - with all the above symptoms. It's pretty scary (in the moment). My son doesn't seem bothered at all.

The comment about alkalizing made me think about some stuff I've read on detoxing the body by eating raw eggs. People rave about how well it works. There's something called the 'healing crisis' or herxheimer effect, when the body dumps a lot of stored toxins at once - it makes folks super sick, especially if they aren't hydrated, and eliminating properly. The toxins get trapped in the digestive system - with the same symptoms listed above (flu like).

I have a feeling that there's a connection here. Just using my intuition, but yeast/candida jumps to mind. That causes some of the WORST herxing imaginable. On the flip-side though - could be a great thing, since riding the body of candida is an extremely difficult thing to do. Most people just learn to suffer with it...and also leads to ulcers, gluten intolerance, digestive disorders, even emotional disorders. If there is a connection - this could be the cure?!

Right now - I'm sure I'm in the same boat as the rest of you = not willing to try them again anytime soon!!!!! Wondering though, after some fasting/cleansing - if my tolerance to duck eggs would change? When my body is "cleaner"? I will definitely post back if I find that to be the case. A duck egg could be a litmus test for how toxic ones body is. Just thinking out loud, but interested in what others think :)
Have chickens and ducks.

Right off the bat, my roommate insisted the duck eggs made her seriously sick, then her dad said he couldn't eat them either. Both were insisting abdominal cramps, nausea, gas pain, and diarrhea, and my roommate throwing up. I honestly thought it was psychosomatic....since both of them were put off by the idea of duck ideas to begin with. They've been eating all the chicken eggs, which leaves me and my 4 yr old with the duck eggs. Now I'm getting sick too. I'm ill writing this - with all the above symptoms. It's pretty scary (in the moment). My son doesn't seem bothered at all.

The comment about alkalizing made me think about some stuff I've read on detoxing the body by eating raw eggs. People rave about how well it works. There's something called the 'healing crisis' or herxheimer effect, when the body dumps a lot of stored toxins at once - it makes folks super sick, especially if they aren't hydrated, and eliminating properly. The toxins get trapped in the digestive system - with the same symptoms listed above (flu like).

I have a feeling that there's a connection here. Just using my intuition, but yeast/candida jumps to mind. That causes some of the WORST herxing imaginable. On the flip-side though - could be a great thing, since riding the body of candida is an extremely difficult thing to do. Most people just learn to suffer with it...and also leads to ulcers, gluten intolerance, digestive disorders, even emotional disorders. If there is a connection - this could be the cure?!

Right now - I'm sure I'm in the same boat as the rest of you = not willing to try them again anytime soon!!!!! Wondering though, after some fasting/cleansing - if my tolerance to duck eggs would change? When my body is "cleaner"? I will definitely post back if I find that to be the case. A duck egg could be a litmus test for how toxic ones body is. Just thinking out loud, but interested in what others think :)
I would not be surprised if there is something to this line of thinking. People can get reductionist in their thinking and assume allergies when it could be detox. I have seen herx reactions - not pleasant.
I have eaten eggs all my life, and I too was very excited about eating my ducks eggs!! Unfortunately they definitely have given me an allery to eggs, every time I ate them I felt sick and i just didn't put two and two together. It got worse each time, 6-8 hours of vomiting cramps and diarhea. Awful. Now it has made me allergic to chook eggs as well, I also cannot eat mayonnaise or cakes as have had the same reaction. I have read in time this goes away, but it's been about 8 months and still the same. Apparently something to do with different protein in duck eggs, now my body can't handle any of it. Frustrating for sure!
So I'm reading this post while feeling the beginning signs of duck egg stomach pain. I reluctantly ate the whites of the duck egg after having two episodes of severe stomach pain just to see if the yolk was causing the problem. Unfortunately it appears the whites cause the pain just as bad as the whole egg.

I don't want to say for sure if I know what's causing the pain, but I think I may know what can help the pain go away faster.

Back in Jan 2014 I ran a half marathon in Disney World. After the race me and my family went to a dessert party which was awesome. That night I had the worst stomach cramping I've ever felt in my life. I initially thought I was having a heart attack because I couldn't pinpoint the pain.

After a trip to the hospital an IV and some meds, I was told the pain was caused by possible dehydration, gas, and stomach irritation.

I felt this exact same pain in my stomach the 1st time I ate my duck eggs. I figured I had an allergy to the eggs, but wasn't sure. I was bent over our bed in pain when I remembered that the doctor said gas could have been a part of the problem last time I had this stomach pain. I took some gas-x and slowly began to feel better.

I ate duck eggs again to verify the duck eggs were the issue and sure enough I felt the beginning signs of stomach pain. Took some gas-x and the pain went away before it got severe.

As I'm writing this I'm starting to feel better from my initial stomach pain I was feeling from the egg whites.

I don't know if gas is the problem for everyone, but I wanted to give some of y'all a possible remedy for the pain before it gets too bad. I'm sure I could probably take the gas-x right after eating and not feel any pain, but I'll hold off to attempt that until another date.
Also what is gas x? I also am full of gas. I had surgery once where gas got caught inside my shoulders etc and was very painful, the abdominal pains felt so simalar to this. I'm from australian I've not heard of gas x?
Gas-X is a chewable tablet that has simethicone in it - it pops the bubbles of gas (according to the commercials years ago) so that it does not stay trapped in the stomach.

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