Duck eggs on day 28 with yellow patches on the inside of the egg, help please?!


In the Brooder
Jun 6, 2017
I have around 8 duck eggs being incubated by a hen and they are on day 28 and i have noticed yellow and grey marks appearing om the inside of 2 of them, are they dead???? Do they need rescued???!? I will post pictures in a short while.
You mean marks on the OUTside of the egg. It could be they are soiled from mama pooping on or near them or other debris. I would watch for oozing eggs or smelly ones and eliminate them from the nest asap. Carefully put a plastic bag over any and close tightly. Stink eggs can explode easily and contaminate the r
I have another concern, my first duckling to hatch came out last night and its been roughly 10 hours and it still isnt trying to move or walk, if i pick it up it peeps a little but he wont even open his eyes, is that normal

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