Duck has watery poop and soft shell eggs


May 5, 2021
I have a one year old khaki duck who has been laying since the fall. About a week ago she started developing very soft shelled eggs and clear watery poop with some white in it. She is on her regular organic Dumor layer feed same as always. She is eating less than usual and doesn’t seem like her usual frisky self. I started supplementing with more oyster shell and have been adding crushed garlic and kombucha to her water to kill off any potential infections, but it doesn’t seem to be working, at least not quickly. This morning there was a wet yellow spot in their pine shavings where she must’ve dropped a shell-less egg.

I saw some posts about chickens with shell gland issues and saw Baytril was recommended for reproductive issues. She is around 4 lbs. Would I use the same treatment for a duck, or could it be toxic? This is my first time having duck so I wanted to check with others’ experiences first.

Thanks in advance for any advice.
Hi @Quakermomma,
Welcome to BYC,
Regarding the soft shell eggs:
I would try to supplement Vitamin D3 and Calcium. because when they have a vitamin D3 deficiency they are not able to take in the calcium adequately, even when it's provided in their diet.
Please note: I'm not an expert and this is my personal opinion. Let's see what others have to say.

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