Duck hatch help please

I think I would break off the rest of the fat end of the shell, basically where the air cell was. Peel the membrane back, if you can do so without any bleeding. That membrane is looking a little tight. Just fold it back like you do a trash bag in a trash can.... out over the shell. Don't bother ripping it off. If it comes off, that's fine, it just isn't necessary to tear it all off. And put him back. He should scoot right out on his own when he's ready.

Since taking this pic about 10 minutes ago he has a part of one wing out as well. He has not stopped chirping since yesterday.. I know he has to be getting tired!! Need to still wait?? Also, his foot is def over his head.. you can see his little cute toes coming out :)
Since taking this pic about 10 minutes ago he has a part of one wing out as well. He has not stopped chirping since yesterday.. I know he has to be getting tired!! Need to still wait?? Also, his foot is def over his head.. you can see his little cute toes coming out :)
When they take this long, a lot of times the foot comes out like that, no worries... but you can pick off more of the shell, go down and around from directly under the bill from this pic... open up the whole end of the egg... if you can, to ahead an pull his head out, but nothing more...

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