Duck hen with lump on foot

In my last comment on this thread I acted like....Oh sure...I'll just go back there and scoop her up
,,,,,,Oh No You Don't!!!!
D.gif least that's what she was showing me.

I'll give it another go tomorrow...When I do... I'll post the wound so people can see what a bumblefoot looks like.
haha! yeah, they are pretty quick and sneaky. lol. it took me awhile to catch mine and then i had to have my neighbor hold her while i looked at her foot. my hen didn't like that too much....neither did her drake! he got so worried i had to push him away, and he doesn't like people! i had to literally push him and he'd come running back, like NO! SLUSHIE!! ARE YOU OKAY!?! OH MY GOSH!! I'LL PROTECT YOU!!! it was hilarious!
duck&chickencrazy :

my cayuga hen has a huge lump on her is circular and its about the size of a large marble about this _______ wide...shes limping really badly, and it is right in the middle of her 2nd toe, it can be seen on both sides of her foot...whats wrong with her foot?? she looks like shes in pain as well

Sounds like "bumblefoot!" You need to research it and treat right away! Good luck!​
Well TheDuckCrew,
I had her in a few days ago before you told us about the Bumblefoot. I put some neosporin with a 4x4 and rapped it with self-Adhering Elastic Bandage before I released her. I saw the post that night that duck&chickencrazy put up...

Anyway....I didn't drain it before I let her outside. I looked up Bumblefoot. She had all the symptoms except for the necrotic area.

We caught her tonight (not that I wasn't trying to catch her for the past two days)...

Can you beleive that the bandage was still on and intact...I was amazed....

I did make a slit....liquid and blood came out. I clean,dressed and re-raped the area. I'll have her inside for now so I can do the dressing change daily. Thanks Again
thats awesome the bandage was still on! if it held on, then it keeps the pain of wrapping and a lot of tape to keep it on. lucky. i hope she gets better! sounds like you are doing everything perfectly.
My Pekin named Harley has a marble size bump on the bottom of her feet but there not black any clue what i can do to help her?
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I just noticed this on his/her foot. Was fine just a little bit ago. No limping just acting normal. Bit no its limping and has that on its foot.

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