Duck Integration Information Overload

Looks like I am picking up all 3 tomorrow! I am excited, but oddly nervous. Maybe it's because I haven't integrated new adult birds in a while. Quarantine is a PITA, but I will do it. I was hoping not to have to quarantine the duck too long simply because it's a PITA and she's probably lonely.
Exciting! You will need to show us pictures when you get them.
So I'm ok to do a truncated quarantine for the duck if all looks good?

Told DH about the duck, but not the hens. I'm starting to have misgivings. I don't want to bring in anything contagious to my flock. I can quarantine pretty effectively, but not the recommended 100 yards. I can change clothes and shoes and sanitize between areas, though.
Honestly, quarantining in backyard flocks is not implemented properly. It cannot be due to the way we interact with our birds and live our lives - we aren't an institution properly fitted for true biosecurity. I would just do the best you can.
I didn't quarantine my newest ducks.

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