There are a few possible causes for what is going on with your duck.
Actual blood from the nares and mouth is never a good sign! The thing that sticks out the most besides and obvious injury that would have caused internal bleeding is Duck Plague or Duck Viral Enteritis. It causes severe damage to mucosa of GI Tract and lymphoid system. Weakness, inability to stand, not able to eat or drink, depression, droopiness, spiked vents, diarrhea, discharge from the nares and eyes, and finally hemorrhaging of blood vessels. The younger the bird the quicker it goes down- incubation period is about 7-14 days. Separate all your other ducks as a precaution!! Death is often the first sign, and by the time it’s caught it’s to late. Sanitize and disinfect everything!!! If you’re able to find an emergency vet you should call one immediately!!

Put her in a cool, dim spot and comfort her as much as possible.

I’m so sorry! I really hope this is not the case! I’m a duck mama of two severely disabled birds and every day is constant worry for me so I understand what you must be going through. Please consider joining some duck groups on Facebook. You’ll be more likely to get quick replies from some veteran duck owners and even avian vets. Keeping you and your duck in my Prayers❤️🙏🏼

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