Duck nesting


Apr 23, 2019
Michigan Thumb
Since ducks and chickens nest so differently, I would like to see your duck enclosures/nesting areas. My ducks just started laying today. Of course their eggs are nowhere near as clean and pretty as the chickens'. (Do they have the same cuticle as chicken eggs)?

I'd like to set things up to maintain a cleaner nesting area...if that is even possible. Their coop area is kept pretty clean but if I see something that I can implement that seems cool or tidier, I would like to give it a whirl!
Since ducks and chickens nest so differently, I would like to see your duck enclosures/nesting areas. My ducks just started laying today. Of course their eggs are nowhere near as clean and pretty as the chickens'. (Do they have the same cuticle as chicken eggs)?

I'd like to set things up to maintain a cleaner nesting area...if that is even possible. Their coop area is kept pretty clean but if I see something that I can implement that seems cool or tidier, I would like to give it a whirl!
I'm not there yet myself but @WannaBeHillBilly has some very good nesting images from a recent broody.

We use an old dog house for ours. They used to lay their eggs in it, but now they like to lay in the mud right next to it.:rolleyes:

*Clean* and *ducks* don’t really go together. :barnie

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