Duck pecking duckling's beak, Why?

3 ducks and 1 duckling

In the Brooder
Aug 21, 2017

I am new to this forum and to ducks, about 4 weeks ago we decided to increase our family with some ducks. So we went shopping and came home with 3 young ladies (1 Pekin, 1 Campbell and one mix) and a duckling (no idea). Since then I've been reading lots in this forum and found it extremely helpful.
Now it's time to let the duckling out and get introduced to the ducks out in the garden. All is going well, but one of the ladies, the Pekin,
- comes in with a low head and bill wide open
- pecks the ducklings beak
However the duckling pecks back and gives as good as it gets.
So wondering is that normal and why do they do that? Also is it possible that the Pekin duck is actually a drake (though no drake feather)?
Thanks for any advice you can give.
When my two ducks were ducklings they used to do the same thing to each other. It seemed like they were playing although I highly recommend supervising ALL interactions between your duckling and the larger ducks because there is a chance the larger ducks could trample the duckling and kill them. If they are swimming there is also a chance the bigger ducks could drown the duckling. Once your duckling gets bigger and can handle herself then you can begin to limit your supervision. Regarding your drake question, I've read that male ducks are mostly raspy and quiet whereas the females are loud and quacky so you might be able to tell that way as well. All male ducks have the sex feather and I'm pretty sure its next to impossible for them not to, here is a picture of a matured male Pekin for reference. I hope the information I provided helped!
Thanks for the info and the photo, I am now convince that my female is female :)
The behaviour seems to have calmed down a bit, still some bill pecking happening but they seem to get on better and the older ladies seem to be exited when the duckling comes out to see them in the garden.

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