Duck pen base


5 Years
Jun 14, 2019
I am building my ducks a predator proof pen. I was wondering if sand was a good base to use? I read somewhere when it gets icey on ground add layer of sand. Is there any reason to not start sand like bugs which they eat or fleas?
Also any ideas on what to add for them to stay off ground when frozen. Thanks Carrie
If you are talking about a pen I'd think that something would be able to dig through sand really quickely and easily. We used free pallets with a sheet of plywood over them for flooring. Then I put a real heavy duty piece of vinyl over the plywood so it wouldn't rot.
If you are talking about a pen I'd think that something would be able to dig through sand really quickely and easily. We used free pallets with a sheet of plywood over them for flooring. Then I put a real heavy duty piece of vinyl over the plywood so it wouldn't rot.
We are burying wire a foot and half below ground. I can bring in whatever fill I want

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