Duck Pond/pool pictures

Hello duck friends.
I'm working on my first backyard duck pond this summer. And I have a question. Has anyone ever made a mini cistern-like container buried under the duck pond? My idea is to have a collection container that would hold the used water. I would then have a hose attached with a off on switch. I would then be able to control were I want the dirty water to go. I would be able to recycle the water into my yard and plants. (I also don't want the water flooding into anyone else's yard.)
I'm just not 100% sure of what I'm doing. Ideas? Or know of any good websites?

Thanks. I appreciate any and all, words of wisdom.

PS. Not a huge pond. About the size of a large kiddie pool.
Has anyone tried making a French Drain under a wading pool? I'm thinking this might be the way to go, but I'm not sure if it will just get clogged up with mud.

We laid a pond liner in the ground and purchased a fountain with filter to keep the water moving and we use a 2 inch sewage pump to pump out the pond once a week and just use the water on our lawn. Then we use and old shop vac to suck up the rest at the bottom of the pond before filling it back up.

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