Duck possibly attacked or sick

I am planning on picking up some activated charcoal a little later.

She's finally stopped standing in one spot and has lied down. She quacked quietly when I approached and looked at me. She heard the other ducks quacking in the background and kept trying to look in that direction.

Still no eating/drinking. I tried to entice her with lettuce and she's ignoring it.
Yes. I also noticed a strange 'line' along the side of the white on her neck. Nothing piercing the skin. Maybe some squeezing on her chest, which caused some neck pain. She is looking much better than she looked when I found her. She was just standing there shaking, barely aware I was there and hardly able to keep her eyes open.

Hopefully that she's looking better is a good thing. I'm going to put her in the garage in her tote overnight so she's safe from predators.

I don't want to put her in the duck coop tonight since she has a 'twin' and if she is better tomorrow I wouldn't be able to tell which one...
It's always possible she could have ingested something bad. I was assuming a predator due to the ducks quacking and the fearful way the chickens were acting, but we had a rainstorm recently with a lot of runoff that goes directly across our yard.

I have a bag of charcoal 'bricks' but not activated charcoal. How would you typically give it to a duck? Sprinkled over their food? It wouldn't hurt.
I also thought "Racoon!!" the day my »Limpy« earned her/his name: I just had installed the new duckie-pool, went inside to grab my phone and make a funny video when suddenly a big commotion started outside. My ducks were running all over the place, quacking »The sky is falling on our heads, save us!!!« and in the middle of all this was one duck that suddenly could not walk anymore: Limpy
I use these charcoal-bombs from the local pharmacy:
Grab Duck, ignore protest, open bill, insert coin, push down and you both have a drink.
The coal is still black and leaves nasty stains when it reappears at the other end of the duck.
It appeared that she attempted to bathe in the water bowl at some point this morning. Everything was soaked! Only a small amount of food was touched. A lot of the wood shavings are stained green from poop. My dad had let her out and said she was walking normally, but she's hiding under the trailer so I can't really check on how she is looking. She did look at me, alert. There is still a slight tremor to her head.
I've put food and water down so hopefully she'll come out eventually. She's moved around a bit under the trailer, lying in different spots. The other ducks are healthy and acting normal still. I have to dump and clean out the tote since it's completely drenched.
Good news. She finally came out and was pacing the fence trying to get in. I decided to let her in. No problems with the other ducks. If they even noticed she was gone they didn't show it. She followed them to the water bucket and drank. Then she went and stood in the bushes, just standing. She's very nervous but she's stable and walking normally. She also pooped a non-green watery poop from drinking but not eating.

I had to nudge her out of the bushes because she was just looking around nervously. One of the other ducks came over and started swimming, inviting her to join with her head dunking. She didn't join, but after getting splashed by water she perked up, drank some more, and is now foraging in the bushes with another duck.

She's nervous but definitely acting more duckish!

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