Duck possibly attacked or sick

Bless I’d try to coax her out so you can observe how she is acting it might be better to keep her up till she is completely over what ever happened.
I've put food and water down so hopefully she'll come out eventually. She's moved around a bit under the trailer, lying in different spots. The other ducks are healthy and acting normal still. I have to dump and clean out the tote since it's completely drenched.
My ducks have acted like this when something has tried to attack them. I had a hawk swoop down one day and I caught a dog in their pen who was attacking them. They were trembling in fear. And acted fearful for a couple of days. Then they went back to normal.
I cannot get this little brat to come out from under the trailer. I tried to reach out to her and she stood up quacking and waddled further in. The water looks just dirty enough that she might have come out to drink a little while no one was looking. She was waddling just fine and from my looking her eyes and nose are still clear. Hopefully she gets her appetite back.

She doesn't seem to have any interest in going back to the other ducks. Maybe when it cools down later she'll come out.
Good news. She finally came out and was pacing the fence trying to get in. I decided to let her in. No problems with the other ducks. If they even noticed she was gone they didn't show it. She followed them to the water bucket and drank. Then she went and stood in the bushes, just standing. She's very nervous but she's stable and walking normally. She also pooped a non-green watery poop from drinking but not eating.

I had to nudge her out of the bushes because she was just looking around nervously. One of the other ducks came over and started swimming, inviting her to join with her head dunking. She didn't join, but after getting splashed by water she perked up, drank some more, and is now foraging in the bushes with another duck.

She's nervous but definitely acting more duckish!
Thank goodness, what ever happened to her really scared her good but glad to hear she is getting over it. Hopefully her appetite will come back soon too. :fl
I put them in early tonight. She went into the pool once but did nothing but stand in it, constantly looking around. She then went and hid back in the bushes. She was definitely most comfortable under some kind of cover, hiding from things from above. She drank some more. I didn't see her eat but she looked interested in the food when I put her in the coop, so hopefully she eats overnight.

The only thing I noticed was light green poop. Not lime green, but definitely lighter. She was eating grass and plants earlier, and no grain, so perhaps it's because of that.

She was walking normally and quacking at the drake, making the head-ducks towards him while I put them in. The hay is fresh in the duck coop, so if there's any strange poops I'll be able to see. I'm hopeful that by tomorrow morning she'll have eaten regular food.

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