Duck suddenly lethargic and slow walking Saturday morning


Jun 17, 2023
My 4 month old Pekin drake suddenly was on the lethargic side saturday morning. Slow walking after being let out of the nighttime enclosure which is highly unusual as they all usually rush to the back yard for their peas. He didn't eat much of anything other than a few peas but drank water from the pool which he sat in most the time he was out or laid under a bush by the house. Not much interest with being with the others which isn't normal. Seemed sleepy. I added a garlic clove to his water and also offered some immune boosting fresh herbs to add to his food. Vetrx respiratory oil added to water as a precaution and a separate pail with an electrolyte/probiotic combination. His food gets brewers yeast/immune support complex almost daily with a waterfowl specific feed. Yesterday he seemed more alert, actually making some noise and his head wasn't always sitting on his chest as it was. He also started foraging more with the others but he doesn't seem to be eating any of the actual feed. He's seemed more alert but today his legs are seeming weak when trying to go up a small hill he has to stop and lay down. And when he gets out of the kiddie pool sometimes he can barely land properly (it's a very small pool, not deep). He's dunking his head in the water as they do to wet their backs which he wasn't doing before but the weak legs and still questionable appetite are concerning. He doesn't seem to have any labored breathing, coughing, wheezing or discharge from the nose. Also some of the drakes have started getting after him this morning (he's separated when in at night) and I'm having to separate them so I'm wondering if they're sensing something is wrong.
Of course they pick up on one off. And it’s their duty to run it off so the hurt sick etc won’t draw in a predator. Since you’re seeing weak legs I suggest you go for liquid BComplex and start him on it ASAP. It may not be a niacin def but since his legs are weak and he’s not eating much the b complex will help. Make sure he gets it over a small treat 1 ml. Putting it in water dilutes it too much. TSC usually Carrie’s one called Durvet liquid b BComplex it says injectable but we use it orally for our flocks
Of course they pick up on one off. And it’s their duty to run it off so the hurt sick etc won’t draw in a predator. Since you’re seeing weak legs I suggest you go for liquid BComplex and start him on it ASAP. It may not be a niacin def but since his legs are weak and he’s not eating much the b complex will help. Make sure he gets it over a small treat 1 ml. Putting it in water dilutes it too much. TSC usually Carrie’s one called Durvet liquid b BComplex it says injectable but we use it orally for our flocks
Yes that's what I was concerned about with the males but had noticed they do it to each other sometimes anyway but today it's just the weak one so i thought they may be noticing he's off. I don't think it's niacin because they've been getting plenty of it but was wondering about vitamins. He's really only eating peas that i can tell other than the occasional foraging he's doing so not sure how I'd get him to eat it with them as he only takes about 4 or 5, seems more excited about them when they're in the water. I wonder if I could administer in a syringe with molasses? I also have liquid poultry cell, would that be something to try? Our tractor supply often doesn't have things I'm looking for unfortunately.
I also wondered if he may've eaten something he shouldn't have. I try to keep up on the area and picking things up I see but maybe a possibility.
Unfortunately I don't have a scale to measure weight. The poultry cell rooster booster says directions for use 1-3cc daily during periods of stress or competition but doesn't mention weight.

I planned to go to the store and get some activated charcoal after work. My husband looked at the grocery store last night and couldn't find any. Hopefully I can find some somewhere. :)
It's in the antacid section the activated charcoal.

I'd start your Pekin on 1ml daily. You can always add more.
okay thank you! He'll be seeing the vet first thing in the morning so hopefully they can figure out what it is. He was seeming to be coming around but his legs are questionable now. He's loving slugs and worms though, he doesn't hesitate to eat them and gobbles them up. If the vet decides to put him on any meds could the vitamins from the poultry cell interfere with them or cause a negative side effect?

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