Duck Toys?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Nov 27, 2013
South Australia
i was just wondering if there are any house hold items i could use to entertain Bubby, my duck. we have a mirror set up for him and he seems to like that but every time i try to give him a soft toy he freaks out... are there specific duck toys?

Mine hate soft toys too, they thoroughly enjoy playing with a rubber bracelet I have. You know like those charity ones, they tug it and flip around with it. They also love picking at my pot plant which I have let them have :) i bought them a bird toy and they hated it!!
Einz really liked a 2 foot length of rope ( tied very very tightly so she could not possibly swallow it) so that the bottom few inches were within her reach. She liked to tug on it.
The rope was the smooth silky kind, not rough or raspy, and it was about a half inch thick. Some hardware stores sell rope by the foot, or many households have that kind of rope handy.

Remember to secure the upper end so that the duck cannot pull it loose and start to swallow it. Some ducks hurt themselves by swallowing cords and strings, and things like that.

We don't want choking!!!


My ducks have surprised me with the crazy ways they get into trouble. I knew about child-proofing. But now I know more about duck-proofing.

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