Duck weird behavior



Apr 24, 2022
Hello! Yes I’m posting again this quick :) my ducks, who are already hard to understand, have now started ”fighting”? Maybe? Is it something else/them being normal? (probably is Im not good at telling duck behavior apart). They stand facing each other lower their heads to the ground, and then start pecking at each other. The worst time today was when one duck pecked at another ducks eye. Is this normal? Should I do anything? Pls help lol :)

they started doing that today and have done it several times :hmm
My drakes go head to head but my drakes to me girls never
They will chase the girls and force them to mate but don’t go head to head
My girls usually give up pretty fast
Unless I’m there then they run to me and I save them :)
If they are just starting the hormones the girl may lay down and the boy Ndp pluck her feathers from
Her back and neck before he figures out what he is suppose to do
I had this happen to a few of my girls when that age started and had to separate for a few days to a week each time
Now they have it all figured out
My almost one year old khaki drake doesn’t have this drake feather right now
He did last week
No idea why as he isn’t in a moult it is just gone
My Muscovy females will fight once in a while especially when hormones are at their highest. I've had to put a few in time out overnight they can get so mean.
my one Muscovy female will stand up to my Runner drake to but he backs down pretty quick.
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My drakes go head to head but my drakes to me girls never
They will chase the girls and force them to mate but don’t go head to head
My girls usually give up pretty fast
Unless I’m there then they run to me and I save them :)
If they are just starting the hormones the girl may lay down and the boy Ndp pluck her feathers from
Her back and neck before he figures out what he is suppose to do
I had this happen to a few of my girls when that age started and had to separate for a few days to a week each time
Now they have it all figured out
My almost one year old khaki drake doesn’t have this drake feather right now
He did last week
No idea why as he isn’t in a moult it is just gone
This one’s feather has never been there

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