Duck with a really messed up foot?


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 14, 2012
I bought a indian runner duckling today, and I took this one specifically because the guy said he butchers the ducks that are not how they are suppose to look.. so I took this one...

He has a foot that pretty much bends sideways, and he walks on like a 'stub'..

I felt so bad for the little guy, he can run and walk just fine though, but I just wish I could do something. Hes just a little guy, less then a month old for sure.

Is there anything I can do to help the foot? Something I can give him to help his bone grow a bit better and maybe straighter?

Thanks.. I'd grab a picture but hes awfully frightened, I don't want to stir him up too much.
I had a chick born with a deformed foot and it couldn't walk at all. I made little shoes for it, like the ones in thread below and with in 72 hours it was walking normally with just a slight limp. By 10 days it was totally normal with no limp and trying to fly with the big chicks. LOL

Glad you brought it home! The tread above was a older chick so, I thought it would help your little duck. Good Luck.
Well, then there is hope! I use cereal box cardbord because it was light but, stiff. I made booties for both of my chicks feet (even though only one foot was deformed) to force it to use it's booties. My DH thought I had lost it when I started cutting out little cardboard feet and bandaid taped them on the chick. But, I had the last laugh when it started walking normally.

Good Luck and I hope your ducky does well with physical therapy booties too!

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