Duck with foam like bubbles on his eye.


Dec 7, 2017
I have a drake that's 11 months old, i went out to let the flock out this morning and noticed something white on his eye so I caught him, and saw foam like bubbles on it. I separated him immediately from the rest. Other then having to rely on his right eye to see, he's acting normal. I'm concerned about his bill also. It looks kind of dry and scaly (as my mom put it)

Heres a picture of his left eye, any idea what it is?


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I was looking eye infections in ducks up, and saw something about Foamy Eye decease.. could that be it? How do I treat it? Is it contagious to the hens and chickens?
If he is acting normal,are you sure he didn't get pecked by another duck or chicken?I had one that got pecked in one eye and white bubbles kept coming out of it,I washed it with water mixed with salt,it went away,its just a guess,but try mixing some water and salt,if it doesn't go away it's not that,I don't know much about ducks.
It is possible that the duck has a blocked tear duct, has been pecked around the eye, or might have a respiratory disease that affects the eye and sinus. Having clean water in a deep enough bowl to wash the face and eye may help. You can clean the eye yourself with clean water, and look for any other sign of a respiratory disease. An antibiotic might be needed for any respiratory infection if other symptoms are seen, but most are only available through a vet. I will tag @Miss Lydia and @casportpony in case one of them have a suggestion.
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