Duck with Hereditary myopathy


In the Brooder
Apr 22, 2020
Hi,i have a baby pekin and has leg problems we took her in to an avian doctor and got told she has the deformity and says she needs to be put down because she is in pain but we want her to live with a good quality of life do you think removing the legs would be ok for her we would care for her all the time.Thank you so much
Hi,i have a baby pekin and has leg problems we took her in to an avian doctor and got told she has the deformity and says she needs to be put down because she is in pain but we want her to live with a good quality of life do you think removing the legs would be ok for her we would care for her all the time.Thank you so much
There is no way she would have any quality of life with her legs removed. It would be far kinder to put her down. A friend told me that she had a duckling with bad leg and put her in a pond to take the weight off the legs. The duck would paddle and the legs healed correctly. One possibility, but if that doesn't work it would be kindest to euthanize.
There is no way she would have any quality of life with her legs removed. It would be far kinder to put her down. A friend told me that she had a duckling with bad leg and put her in a pond to take the weight off the legs. The duck would paddle and the legs healed correctly. One possibility, but if that doesn't work it would be kindest to euthanize.
I use a kiddie pool for my ducks.
Hi,im sorry i just got email from the vet i put the wrong disease I have a email its nothing i put here i will put the diagnosis

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