
What are you using for bedding, just wondering if shavings if she may have eaten some? Might feel along her neck for a blockage. Where did you get your ducklings?
We tried chopped straw and they look they they were eating it so she switched to cedar shavings and they were still going after it so now we got long straw, which they go after but cant eat. I'm about to clean their pen and in was going to put a towel down instead?
This is the last half of what she was doing, shes laying down to drink now and isn't really eating. I put the rooster booster poultry cell in their water and I'm getting niacin to see if that helps. To feel for something in her I just feel for it on the outside ?
Get Durvet liquid b complex from BYC it’s the best! Don’t let them sell you anything else than this. And it says injectable but we use it orally
Do you have q tip take the b complex and soak the qtip and just place it along her Bill some will soak into her bill, give her time to swallow then do it again just try and get as much as you can into her from the q tip. Let her rest then try again you can give her a half ml a day. You can use a dropper or syringe with out a needle just be careful not to put but tiny drops right inside the bill at a time.

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