Duckling Diaries: the Life and Times of a Welshie Trio

Never hunted ducks though. Husband bought me a double barrel over and under a few yrs ago but I'd rather hunt turkeys with it. They stupid. Lol. If I had a pet turkey I'd probably love it and make it stupider though
Hard to see, cos it's dark, but there is a webbed sweetie in this pic....
I was just reading about Tiger woods....he had a bad weekend......but with 750 million in the bank, it's hard to feel sorry for him....specially when.......oops non-PC comment about his career almost slipped out
Tell those PC roosters of yours to screen your thoughts better :lol:
That's way over my head ralphie. Lol. I never knew there were so many different breeds of chickens till I came here. Most people I know just have Rhode island red or them white chickens.
Them white? That could be lots of breeds... :lau
Just the APA recognised ones are literally enough to fill a book, never mind all the breeds and landraces that aren't recognised.

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