Duckling have arrived! (What now??)

To update - mama and 4 babies are doing well. We lost one baby to the Drake who it turns out can fly much higher than expected, he got back into their yard and killed one before we got him out again.

The remaining four are growing fast, swimming, roaming, hunting and foraging.

Our second mama, Princess, had 14 eggs originally. One was thrown out of her nst a while back. Five hatched 3 days ago, with a 6th hatching the following day. 6 eggs remain unhatched. Could they still hatch? mama is still sitting on the nest for much of the day, with occasional forays into the yard with her little brood. I don't want to disturb them if they may still hatch, but don't want them to rot if they are not viable, or for her to be stuck sitting when she should be out and about with her babies. What do you think?
The new babies:
Can you candle the eggs? If so, I could candle them and see if there is any movement. If not, I would personally take the eggs away so mom can focus on those that did hatch. Chances are they aren’t going to hatch. But that’s a completely personal decision you’ll have to make for yourself.

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