Duckling - poor color on bill and feet


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 13, 2014
San Angelo Texas
I know this is a chicken forum but it seems like a lot of people have different kinds of poultry. I thought I would ask. I'm just getting my coop going and wanted a few ducks. Someone have me 3 ducklings. I am concerned about the Pekin duckling they gave me. It's bill and feet are very pale in color. Almost white. Compared to my Pekin ducklings who's feet and bill are a nice light sherbet orange. The two other ducks are dark colors feet and bill so harder to know there situation but I bet they are in the same boat. I am sure this is an issue that will be corrected with proper housing. I do not know how they were kept but I think maybe indoors and maybe not the proper lighting. I would guess it's age to be about 3 weeks. This morning it's feet seem to be peaching up some and improving in color.

My question is what causes this so I know if I see it again in my own. Is it temperature? Lighting? Diet? I'm guessing temperature? I know they had plenty of water they seemed well hydrated when I picked them up. We had a mutual drop off spot so I can't say what their living conditions were. I am glad to have them. There was a petting zoo at a local ranch supply about 2 weeks ago. I have a feeling these were bought then not realizing how messy they are. I would not be surprised if there are a lot if dumped ducks at our local lake soon.
I hate seeing dumped Easter ducks. It could be a combination of these variables. It is hard to know as all situations could be different. Sometimes, they hatch that way due to incorrect incubation temperature. In most cases, it is correctable. The best thing to do is to adjust them to their proper needs. 85 degree temp., heat lamp, have waterfowl food starter, water available at all times, etc. I wish you good luck!
I hate seeing dumped Easter ducks.  It could be a combination of these variables.  It is hard to know as all situations could be different.  Sometimes, they hatch that way due to incorrect incubation temperature.  In most cases, it is correctable.  The best thing to do is to adjust them to their proper needs.  85 degree temp., heat lamp, have waterfowl food starter, water available at all times, etc.  I wish you good luck!  
Thanks. All of these measures have been taken. I am struggling to not run outside and check on them again as things have cooled off so much. I did provide all of my recent cooper troopers with a large dog crate with a light shining directly inside to hold the heat in better since our temps have dropped so low here. They were huddled up inside earlier. So I'm assuming they are warm enough. I'm somewhat out of space inside right now. Hope they all snuggle up :). Thanks for the help.

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