Duckling shrink-wrapped please help!!!

Alrighty, I'm back on my laptop.

So, if they have been pipped externally for 24 hours, there may still be some time yet on them. Ducklings are notoriously slow hatchers. Since you have opened the shell over the air cell, which I can see in your profile picture, you're going to need to moisten the internal membrane with coconut oil if you have it, or if not neosporin will work. This will keep it from drying out and sticking to them, and also allow you to see the progress of their absorption. If you still see veins in the membrane, they are not ready. They will also be making a yawning or chewing motion while they are still absorbing.
Yes I just hope they just don’t bleed to much. Still looking good right now I’m going to check every two or three hours through the night . I have my humidity cracked up like 85% I hope that’s not too much for the other two eggs.

I will give an update in the morning .
Thanks for the info I have him very moist and he is making yawning and he is chewing motions .

How about my other egg that piped yesterday? it’s been about 30 hours now how much longer should I wait if he does not make any more Pips/ zipping.
Thanks for the info I have him very moist and he is making yawning and he is chewing motions .

How about my other egg that piped yesterday? it’s been about 30 hours now how much longer should I wait if he does not make any more Pips/ zipping.

If it hits 36 hours with no progress, I would open the air cell to check things out. Then you can moisten the membrane and see if it still needs time to absorb.
Sounds like a plan . I took the first duckling out again to moisten the membrane. I got my bathroom steamy hot and humid with a shower and a heater so I could take my time . I finally figured out what the outer and inner membrane is. The first time I was rushing like emergency surgery. I took my time this time and I can see what everyone is talking about. For the last 28 days of this incubation I’ve been reading just about every night about other people‘s experiences hatching. I thought I knew what I was doing until I actually opened the shell . Then I was like oh crap I don’t know what I’m doing .

There’s a big difference between reading about it and actually doing it and seeing it firsthand . I’ve even actually read your article before it is very informative . Looking back now I intervened too early the first one isn’t quite ready . But I just checked on him and he’s looking pretty good. The second one that has not made much progress has been rocking like crazy for 10 minutes straight . I assume he is trying to zip.

One last question and you don’t have to reply tonight obviously it’s late . Is there a such thing as too high humidity during lockdown ?
At the moment I have it around 85%-90% for the chick with the open shell. Will that hurt anything for the other two ?

Thanks so much for the help I hope to help someone else in this situation in the future . It’s a lifesaver when you’re stressed out
One last question and you don’t have to reply tonight obviously it’s late . Is there a such thing as too high humidity during lockdown ?
At the moment I have it around 85%-90% for the chick with the open shell. Will that hurt anything for the other two ?

Don't worry, I'm a night owl. I'm much more likely to be around now than in the morning, lol. Yes, there actually is such a thing as too high. I would lower it back down to 70%. Too high makes it harder for them to breathe. As long as you've coated the membrane with coconut oil, neosporin, etc, it won't dry out and it'll be okay.
Well two of my eggs hatched this morning one is extremely energetic and the other is just laying on the floor of the incubator looking week . Is there anything I can give it or do.

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