
Aug 19, 2020
After making a splint for the curled toes, it still can’t walk.
Is it splayed too?
Is it standing with its leg up, or us its leg positioned that way?

The pic makes if hard to see what's going on. Looks like a deformity rather than splay leg from the pic.
It stands with its leg up for some reason. It has a whole leg but it won’t straighten.
Did it start standing with it's leg up before or after you put the splint on? Also are they able to properly bend their foot at the ankle with the splint or does it limit the range of motion? How long has the splint been on?
Did it start standing with it's leg up before or after you put the splint on? Also are they able to properly bend their foot at the ankle with the splint or does it limit the range of motion? How long has the splint been on?
I put the splint on a few minutes ago. It has free range of motion. It held its leg up before I put a splint on.
I put the splint on a few minutes ago. It has free range of motion. It held its leg up before I put a splint on.
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Are you giving her any niacin or vitamins? I would get a supplement with niacin and start dosing her immediately. Vitamin deficiencies have been linked to slipped tendons and leg issues. I like Poultry Cell for these situations because it includes many vitamins including niacin. I would start treating for a slipped tendon. Here is a good article written by another member who successfully treated a slip tendon in a chick. I've used a very similar method as described in the article to treat a slipped tendon in a duckling with success.’s-story.69353/

I have a chicken with a slipped tendon that was unable to be fixed, and I know firsthand the struggles she faces. What is the prognosis for ducks? Ducks are so much heavier. Is there a way to help/accommodate ducks?

I have a chicken with a slipped tendon that was unable to be fixed, and I know firsthand the struggles she faces. What is the prognosis for ducks? Ducks are so much heavier. Is there a way to help/accommodate ducks?
It definitely is not always fixable. That being said I did have a duckling who hatched with curled toe, unable to walk with it's one leg stuck to the side. I used a very similar method to that in the article and she ended up being able to walk normally. I think the biggest factor on whether they will recover or not is getting the tendon back in place and keeping it there before they grow too fast. With mine, I hatched her myself so I was able to jump in immediately and start treatment.
It definitely is not always fixable. That being said I did have a duckling who hatched with curled toe, unable to walk with it's one leg stuck to the side. I used a very similar method to that in the article and she ended up being able to walk normally. I think the biggest factor on whether they will recover or not is getting the tendon back in place and keeping it there before they grow too fast. With mine, I hatched her myself so I was able to jump in immediately and start treatment.
That's fantastic! I adopted mine from a gal in a FB group I'm part of. I have zero doubt that she really, really dud her best yo get that tendon back in place, but this poor thing has her leg stuck out at a crazy angle. She manages on the one leg for now. I'm going to try to make it so she can bear weight on her malformed leg. I don't think she's in pain, but her foot is sideways, and she's constantly trying to walk on her foot but can't.

I imagine it'd be worse for a duck. I'm glad you were able to fix it. I hope OP can, too.

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