duckling with leaking yolk??

Here you can see the gooey stuff that was left.
When i woke up at 5:30 she had completely climbed out of the shell. She looks weak but is moving all around the incubator. So she must be stronger than she looks. Picking up her head and even pulled her legs under herself. She is still very wet, the humidity is 70 and the temp was up a bit higher than it has been at 101. (It has been steady at 99.5 the entire time) i turned it down a little.

Congrats on your new little fuzzbutt!
My questions.. how long til she is dry? When should i move her to the brooder?
When should she try standing? She was stuck for a while so im worried maybe something is wrong with her legs. But they look ok, nothing curled or deformed. Maybe im just worrying for nothing.
My poor sweet baby duckie.. she was struggling as i was moistening the sticky goo she was trying so hard to free herself. In some spots it was so thick and gummy. After i peeled back a little more shell she was pushing to get her head out so i kept moving the qtip around her the best i could and all of a sudden with a loud chirp she maneuvered her head out.. i laid her down and kept working. Still no blood but lots of thick globs of the gooey stuff was coming lose. I can see there is a little bit of the yolk sac left to be absorbed. I put her back in the incubator to warm up and rest. I'm hoping the goo is loosened up enough that if she wants to pull the rest of the way out she can. Going back to bed.
Sometimes there belly buttom, is swelled up and it looks like the Yolk sac, I bet that's what you saw.
When i woke up at 5:30 she had completely climbed out of the shell. She looks weak but is moving all around the incubator. So she must be stronger than she looks. Picking up her head and even pulled her legs under herself. She is still very wet, the humidity is 70 and the temp was up a bit higher than it has been at 101. (It has been steady at 99.5 the entire time) i turned it down a little.
No need to make adjustments it will change but that's OK, I think the floor may be an issue, can you get the paper towels out of there.
My questions.. how long til she is dry? When should i move her to the brooder?
When should she try standing? She was stuck for a while so im worried maybe something is wrong with her legs. But they look ok, nothing curled or deformed. Maybe im just worrying for nothing.

If there's no other eggs in with her, lower that humidity get it down to about 50, otherwise she'll stay to wet.

Second, get her on a wired flooring. Paper towels are to slipper and will cause her to get spaddled legs, then you have another issue.

Third get some Vitamin B complete at your store, put one pill in each quart of water, she will need that once she has dried off.

I usually don't move mine until it's been 24 hours to make sure they are completely dried. They can survive without food or water for 3 days but I do not advise you wait that long.

Also very important since you are now her new mommy, Ducks don't like to be by themselves so have a stuffed animal ready for her, I have heard some people using a mirror, so when they see themselves they think they are looking at another duck. LOL

One last thing, you will have to show her how to drink just take your finger and wiggle it in the water once she's in the broody room, the wiggling of the water will get her interest..

And please don't take her swimming unless she is one week old, it takes that long for them to develop there own oils to help them stay afloat, otherwise there little fuzzy hair/feathers will act like a sponge and can weigh them down causing them to drown..
When i woke up at 5:30 she had completely climbed out of the shell. She looks weak but is moving all around the incubator. So she must be stronger than she looks. Picking up her head and even pulled her legs under herself. She is still very wet, the humidity is 70 and the temp was up a bit higher than it has been at 101. (It has been steady at 99.5 the entire time) i turned it down a little.

YAY...congrats! Baby is out
Can't wait to see (s)he fluffed up and running around

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