Duckling with possible pasty butt / vent issues


Jun 17, 2022
Hello, From what I have researched and read, I believe the duckling has pasty butt. I can't seem to find anything showing what the vent normally looks like with pasty butt. It seems to be sticking out or swollen. Or at least from the info I have found it doesn't look normal. When the duckling does poo, it kind of.e e sits back and poos. First I though it might be constipated. So I have been trying to soften its food and now the poo is sometimes runny (hopefully thats just from the food and water?). Thank you in advance for any help on this.
Pasty butt is when a chick or duckling has droppings stuck to his vent. Does he? I would feed him a little coconut oil for if he is constipated.
Yes. But not a lot. It’s really dry poop on the part that’s sticking out. I’ve tried to clean with warm water and letting it soak but I can’t get it all off and it keeps happening. Not sure if it takes awhile to go away or if I need to do something else. You can let them eat coconut oil? How much?
When they have pasty butt the vent is clogged with poo and they can’t poop. Can you I post a picture. It’s normal for them to poo like you described they will even walk backwards and let out a poo.
soaking in nice warm water then using a cotton ball or soft cloth try getting the hard crust off you might try vaseline or coconut oil on it to see if that will soften it up. You might could try letting it eat a 1/8 teas of coconut oil.
...I’ve tried to clean with warm water and letting it soak but I can’t get it all off and it keeps happening....
Use warm soapy water and Q-tips, and just keep at it. It will eventually loosen. Might take a little down feathers with it, but you do what you gotta do. I've even had to trim a very bad case with scissors to cut the pasty blob into sections to remove it. I might be wrong, but I *believe* pasty butt is often caused by temps being too high in the brooder.
Use warm soapy water and Q-tips, and just keep at it. It will eventually loosen. Might take a little down feathers with it, but you do what you gotta do. I've even had to trim a very bad case with scissors to cut the pasty blob into sections to remove it. I might be wrong, but I *believe* pasty butt is often caused by temps being too high in the brooder.
What kind of soap did you use? It’s not a lot of poop but I’m still having a hard time getting off the small hard stuck on stuff
soaking in nice warm water then using a cotton ball or soft cloth try getting the hard crust off you might try vaseline or coconut oil on it to see if that will soften it up. You might could try letting it eat a 1/8 teas of coconut oil.
Thank you I have tried the coconut oil. Still having a hard time getting what’s stuck on there off. Got it to eat some coconut oil with its food. Will see how that goes. I also got a few pics. Now what’s weird is in one spot where my pinky was (I circled it) it’s like a tight spot on it’s stomach (in between belly button and leg). The pictures are after I tried cleaning and putting a little coconut oil on.


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Is that the belly button or vent ?
I have had 2 ducklings with pasty butt
Neither looked like that. They just had hard poo on the outside blocking the duck from going poo
I used warm wet cloth for a few mins then ran the bum under the tap warm water and rubber lightly
It came off within a few mins and baby had a big poo as it had been blocked for a day
All my ducklings walk back to poo that’s totally normal
As the other poster said a brooder to warm can cause issues but the two cases I had was one I bought at a day old who was under a heat plate ( so not a hot brooder ) but was last to hatch and with all the others in the incubator the humidity had got really high
I got it home and checked and fixed it. The first one was from a set of eggs I sold the lady called me so upset on day 2-3 thinking her baby was dying I told her to bring it to me and I would give it vitamins ect see what I could do. This baby was not doing well at all not moving and struggling to keep it head up even threw up a little
Then I accidentally touched that area and felt the hard poo blocking. I had never seen past butt before. I quickly got it Fixed and baby had the biggest poo all over me. Mins later he was running all over having a blast.
I was able to send him home and today I even got pics sent of the 6 babies all grown up now
Is that the belly button or vent ?
I have had 2 ducklings with pasty butt
Neither looked like that. They just had hard poo on the outside blocking the duck from going poo
I used warm wet cloth for a few mins then ran the bum under the tap warm water and rubber lightly
It came off within a few mins and baby had a big poo as it had been blocked for a day
All my ducklings walk back to poo that’s totally normal
As the other poster said a brooder to warm can cause issues but the two cases I had was one I bought at a day old who was under a heat plate ( so not a hot brooder ) but was last to hatch and with all the others in the incubator the humidity had got really high
I got it home and checked and fixed it. The first one was from a set of eggs I sold the lady called me so upset on day 2-3 thinking her baby was dying I told her to bring it to me and I would give it vitamins ect see what I could do. This baby was not doing well at all not moving and struggling to keep it head up even threw up a little
Then I accidentally touched that area and felt the hard poo blocking. I had never seen past butt before. I quickly got it Fixed and baby had the biggest poo all over me. Mins later he was running all over having a blast.
I was able to send him home and today I even got pics sent of the 6 babies all grown up now
The first picture is the vent. And if you look closely it has dry brownish color spots on it. Dry poop. He/she is able to poop it just looks like it gets stuck on the vent and feathers a little. But not bad where it can’t go. But it sticking out like that is strange. (Just from random pictures I have found showing the vent) This is a wild duckling we found all by itself and I couldn’t get it to eat at first. And it had a rough couple of days. I thought it might pass. Stayed up most of the night one night trying to keep it hydrated and ok. Once we got it to start eating it was doing great. Then all of a sudden looked like it was straining to poo. Thought it might be the food. So started putting a little water in the food to soften it and then I noticed this. We have only had this duckling just over a week. Someone told me today I needed to worm it. I’m trying my best (with some help from family) but I also don’t want it in pain.

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