Ducklings are plodding around like they have lead in their feet



5 Years
Oct 1, 2017
Oakland CA
Hi! I got 3 ducklings last week (August 30th) and their gait is worrying me. They'll take a few plodding steps and then plop down again. I've been giving them 1tsp of nutritional yeast with every change of their soupy food (I put their Mazuri starter food in a shallow bowl and add water, since their dry food seemed hard for them to eat), which usually happens 6-9 times a day. I've also been giving them probiotics/vitamins in their water container as well.

They seem to be growing and one of them seems to be adding weight really well. They peep and preen their feathers, etc. It's just that walk. When I do see them take more than a few steps, they seem to plod about like Frankenstein.

Does anyone have any insight? Are they just too young to be walking well? I don't recall one way or another what my first batch of ducklings was doing last year, but I don't think they walked around like Frankenstein. Is the nutritional yeast not enough? Should I get Niacin pills?

I've been adding liquid b12 that I got from TSC to my slurry with yeast and I still feel like my quackers might be lacking. What i real am thinking after haunting the duck forums sense jan then finally taking the plunge with chicks then ducks this summer and constantly reading posts about nuturial problems is this. Are we doing it wrong by letting our ducklings have constant access to feed like we do our chicks. ducks don't seem to self regulate thier food intake like my chicks do. Water should always be there but are we allowing our ducks to gourge and develop to fast because we offer a constant supply of protein and carbs which under natural circumstances isn't available 24/7. Do ducklings in the wild develop with less issues because instead of spending all day eating and being cute they hiding, waiting to forge or be brought food by mommy. And are under constant threat from predators. Should we be giving a more controled portion during early stages of development in order to eliminate over eating and weight gain to avoid these health issues in our ducklings. Just some food for thought while I can't sleep.
You want not just B12 but B complex liquid from TSC it's in the cattle section and will say injectable but can be given orally 1 ml per duckling a day put into their treats or dribble into their bills slowly or put over some thawed peas or dried meal worms. In other words how ever you can get them to take the whole 1 ml this is the best stuff to get them going with their walking and strong legs.
I've been adding liquid b12 that I got from TSC to my slurry with yeast and I still feel like my quackers might be lacking. What i real am thinking after haunting the duck forums sense jan then finally taking the plunge with chicks then ducks this summer and constantly reading posts about nuturial problems is this. Are we doing it wrong by letting our ducklings have constant access to feed like we do our chicks. ducks don't seem to self regulate thier food intake like my chicks do. Water should always be there but are we allowing our ducks to gourge and develop to fast because we offer a constant supply of protein and carbs which under natural circumstances isn't available 24/7. Do ducklings in the wild develop with less issues because instead of spending all day eating and being cute they hiding, waiting to forge or be brought food by mommy. And are under constant threat from predators. Should we be giving a more controled portion during early stages of development in order to eliminate over eating and weight gain to avoid these health issues in our ducklings. Just some food for thought while I can't sleep.
I always tend towards the 'what would mother nature do' side of things, especially in the garden and I think what mother nature does with ducklings is provide bugs for the little peepsters. I think I might try introducing more roly polys to them and see if they fare better with those. I think that's what I did with my first round of ducklings. I've read that bugs actually contain healthy amounts of niacin.
I'm hesitant to let them outside in my yard, as I've read that until they are feathered out, they should not be tromping around in places where my adult ducks have been, as they probably haven't developed any immunity to the big girl germs. If you have any insight into that (as in that's true or not true), I'd appreciate hearing your 2 cents.

I have a neighbor with a big, grassy yard, but haven't had time to bring them over there yet.
I'm hesitant to let them outside in my yard, as I've read that until they are feathered out, they should not be tromping around in places where my adult ducks have been, as they probably haven't developed any immunity to the big girl germs. If you have any insight into that (as in that's true or not true), I'd appreciate hearing your 2 cents.

I have a neighbor with a big, grassy yard, but haven't had time to bring them over there yet.
What that's just crazy talk..Seriously they will be fine as long as separated so the others can't hurt them or simply free range together. Depends on how they interact. All my Ducklings get out with my adult flock daily..
:frow Ducklings and adults out doing Duck things..

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