Ducklings died and I’m not sure why. Please help!

Ok dumb question, how the heck do you open the vitamin b bottle. I realize it’s meant for a needle right? I’ve got it poked open but then it won’t come out. There’s gotta be an easier way. I hope I’m not just being blonde lol
I don't think you are just being blonde. Most of those things are only meant for children to open. We have difficulty also. It's not you!
Update on my home incubation spraddle duck....

Don’t worry he’s not dead! This is how it started with hobbles, it was rough yesterday constantly watching and helping him all day. View attachment 3121594

But today he is doing so good! Keeping his legs under him while he lays and even walking around! Pics fuzzy cause he wouldn’t stay still lol Gahhhh we’re so in love with him
View attachment 3121598
He's is sooo cute!!
View attachment 3136452
Update on the babes....
The 2 we hatched and the 2 shipped all doing well! They’ve had a swim and got some outside time. They also got treats for the first time and obviously loved it!

We’re still working on names....
The one that had spraddle leg is Forrest, Forrest Gump lol. My husband and I like Jenny, Bubba & Lieutenant Dan for the rest. The kids aren’t fans of the names, they’re to young to appreciate our humor 🤣
they are so gorgeous!! The names are great 😂

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