Ducklings fussing!

This is what I found this am
got them 2 so when ones washing. Can only imagine what others will think when the move to run with stuffed monkeys lol.
Yes they calmed a lot who knew just needed a monkey. Huh wonder if that would work for hateful drakes lol.
The things we learn on the Duck Forum!
Where very few, if any, think twice about giving stuffies to ducklings. I know how heart-wrenching it is to hear ducklings calling 'cause they miss you. My three-year-olds still call for me. Little punkins.
Awww...they just needed cuddles...would it be weird to wear a baby duck in a sling? Because I feel like I want to live my life iwth a baby duck in my pocket...Pocket ducks...Never again will you have to worry about crumbs on your shirt...

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