Ducklings Under Broody Hen


Jun 1, 2017
So! I figured I'd let you guys know that I took a chance and put two ducklings (that I couldn't walk out of Murdoch's without) under my bantam cochin who has been sitting on eggs for only 3 days. She immediately tucked them under her and started making soft clucks at them. I've checked on them about 50 times in the last hour and all I can hear is soft purring sounding clucks from Tabby, the new momma. :yesss::love


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Plus, you can use your bantam cochin to hatch out more ducks! Can't stop them from brooding anyways, right? I acquired mottled cochin bantams in an odd way... Had a random lady at Mud Bay pet store give me a hen with a pile of eggs under her in a dog carrier. Practically paid me to take her! "Keep the carrier", she says!
Now I know why - they spread! I love them though.
What type of cochins do you have?
Plus, you can use your bantam cochin to hatch out more ducks! Can't stop them from brooding anyways, right? I acquired mottled cochin bantams in an odd way... Had a random lady at Mud Bay pet store give me a hen with a pile of eggs under her in a dog carrier. Practically paid me to take her! "Keep the carrier", she says!
Now I know why - they spread! I love them though.
What type of cochins do you have?

I have 2 chicks coming on Tuesday and I am hoping to sneak them under her, too. Sadly, I can only have 2 ducks and 6 hens in the city I live in and now I will be maxed out. I have one black bantam cochin and the rest are all standard sized. She is just the sweetest little hen. She lays eggs like a machine and my 4 year old carries her around tucked under her arm like a handbag and they just stroll around together checking things out. I found them up in her playhouse last week, solving the problems of the world together, apparently. :lol:
I have 2 chicks coming on Tuesday and I am hoping to sneak them under her, too. Sadly, I can only have 2 ducks and 6 hens in the city I live in and now I will be maxed out. I have one black bantam cochin and the rest are all standard sized. She is just the sweetest little hen. She lays eggs like a machine and my 4 year old carries her around tucked under her arm like a handbag and they just stroll around together checking things out. I found them up in her playhouse last week, solving the problems of the world together, apparently. :lol:
That's amazing! Love it. They really are sweet little things - perfect for the littles.
Every day I get home from work and my girls are waiting at the front door for their meal worm treats. The oldest (and the OG girl) is so assertive that she follows me inside if I leave the door ajar! And you are so right, tons of delicious little rich eggs!
I keep trying to get my brother to get his daughter little chickens (he is in Colorado as well)... Love your state!

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