Ducks and hurricane advice please


In the Brooder
Feb 20, 2017
Good morning. My husband & I are accidental caretakers of some domestic ducks who were dropped off at our condo community. We've been feeding them for several months, but the golf course who originally took them in has still refused re-homing or shelter possibilities. We feed them twice a day and they eat from our hands and a water bucket, but they shy away from being touched.

With Irma probably heading our way here in SC we're trying to figure out the safest way for them to weather the storm, and I have a few questions. Ideally we'd like to gather them up and put them in a safe place during the storm. I'll deal with the HOA later.

1. What would be more stressful for them - trying to catch and shelter them or leaving them on their own?

2. How the heck do we wrangle 8 ducks without harming them?

3. What's the best way to pick up a duck?

4. Someone suggested throwing a light net over them. Any thoughts on this method?

I'd just like to add that this forum has been invaluable for us duck novices!


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Good morning. My husband & I are accidental caretakers of some domestic ducks who were dropped off at our condo community. We've been feeding them for several months, but the golf course who originally took them in has still refused re-homing or shelter possibilities. We feed them twice a day and they eat from our hands and a water bucket, but they shy away from being touched.

With Irma probably heading our way here in SC we're trying to figure out the safest way for them to weather the storm, and I have a few questions. Ideally we'd like to gather them up and put them in a safe place during the storm. I'll deal with the HOA later.

1. What would be more stressful for them - trying to catch and shelter them or leaving them on their own?

2. How the heck do we wrangle 8 ducks without harming them?

3. What's the best way to pick up a duck?

4. Someone suggested throwing a light net over them. Any thoughts on this method?

I'd just like to add that this forum has been invaluable for us duck novices!
Hi and welcome to BYC:frow With high winds and debris, they're probably better off inside but be prepared for a mess. Ducks need to clean themselves constantly and they make a tremendous mess. when picking them up, its best to place your hands around the middle of their back holding their wings down, alternatively you can pick them up by the feet but that's more traumatic for you. Once you have them in your arms, tuck their head under your arm pit to calm them down. When trying to catch them, a landing net is your best friend. Personally, I'd wait as late as possible to bring them in... If you use a net, its a two person job. One to work the net, the other to remove the duck. Best of luck... And when you have a sec, stop by new member introductions and introduce yourselves. Since you've become unintended duck parents, we're so happy you've joined us:ya
You can catch them with a net...You can grab them at the base of their necks and hold them football style....if you can get a dogs exercise pen to herd them into?...Then catching will be easier....Nets work....How we catch rescue Ducks here....
Thank you for the advice. Looks like a net will be our best chance so we'll pick one up tomorrow just in case. I doubt if that's a high priority hurricane item so our chances of finding one should be good!
Never pick a duck up by their feet and carry their legs are not strong and you can cause serious injury. Holding around body to keep those wings from flapping you in the face is best. Like holding a foot ball. as was rec. Ducks also herd well so if you can get enough neighbors together you may be able to herd them inside something just walk slowly behind with arms open. Then give out feed and water they will soon settle down.

Bless you for caring for these ducks they are gorgeous. Not many ducks like to be held or petted getting them to come up and eat out of your hand is great. Please let us know how it all goes and hope you All will be safe.
Oh my, I never thought about herding them. They're actually used to that because sometimes they like to nap in the middle of the 18th fairway :), and my husband has to get them to a safer place. Yes they are beautiful ducks!

It seems we may have dodged the bullet for this storm and it will miss the North Myrtle Beach area. We'll play it by ear and see how bad it is on Monday. At least now we have good ideas for emergencies. Thanks again for the advice, it's very much appreciated!
Good morning. My husband & I are accidental caretakers of some domestic ducks who were dropped off at our condo community. We've been feeding them for several months, but the golf course who originally took them in has still refused re-homing or shelter possibilities. We feed them twice a day and they eat from our hands and a water bucket, but they shy away from being touched.

With Irma probably heading our way here in SC we're trying to figure out the safest way for them to weather the storm, and I have a few questions. Ideally we'd like to gather them up and put them in a safe place during the storm. I'll deal with the HOA later.

1. What would be more stressful for them - trying to catch and shelter them or leaving them on their own?

2. How the heck do we wrangle 8 ducks without harming them?

3. What's the best way to pick up a duck?

4. Someone suggested throwing a light net over them. Any thoughts on this method?

I'd just like to add that this forum has been invaluable for us duck novices!

I don't know a whole lot about ducks, but I hope my advice is helpful - they can't be too different from chickens, right? :lau

1. What would be more stressful for them - trying to catch and shelter them or leaving them on their own?

I would catch them. Leaving them out on their own, they will have to fend for themselves. Keeping them somewhere warm and dry is best, I think.

2. How the heck do we wrangle 8 ducks without harming them?

You mentioned they eat from your hand - see if you can get one to do that and have someone walk behind them and calmly pick them up. It will stress them out, but they'll be fine. See if you can herd them into an enclosure or corner maybe.

3. What's the best way to pick up a duck?

I'll let the duck experts answer this one :)

4. Someone suggested throwing a light net over them. Any thoughts on this method?

This sounds like a good idea to me. If they're huddled in one corner you can get (at least) most of them all at once. If this doesn't work though you can try what I said on #2.

Stay safe :(
Our ideal plan is to put them on our screened porch. There's a solid knee wall and my husband got some plywood so no worries about predators. Irma is tracking even further west now, but Jose isn't far behind so I'm sure all these tips will come in handy. Fortunately we have lots of volunteers willing to help get these babies to a safe place. Thanks again! :love

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