Ducks breed and gender?


In the Brooder
Feb 4, 2017
Old Chatham,ny
What kind of ducks re these and can u tell sex.
What kind of ducks re these and can u tell sex.

A lot of duck breeds you can tell male from female by color and/or looking at the top of the tail feathers-----flipped up--male, straight female. But not when they are all together in a wash tub---LOL.
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They're khaki campbells. We can't tell the gender from this picture. The first way you're going to be able to sex them is by their quacks when they start quacking. A male will have a low, raspy quack. A female will have a loud braying quack.
They're khaki campbells. We can't tell the gender from this picture. The first way you're going to be able to sex them is by their quacks when they start quacking. A male will have a low, raspy quack. A female will have a loud braying quack.
I remember reading that they lay a lot of eggs
off topic bit is it hard to free range chickens and ducks how to I get them into the coop at night

Chickens are easy. After they've been in a coop for three or four days they'll reliably return when you let them out. Ducks might need to be herded in at night for awhile before they get the idea, but eventually they figure it out and go in on their own.
They're khaki campbells. We can't tell the gender from this picture. The first way you're going to be able to sex them is by their quacks when they start quacking. A male will have a low, raspy quack. A female will have a loud braying quack.


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