Ducks chickens.. And a rooster

Cj Tracker

Apr 18, 2020
I love my rooster Gertie (formerly was a hen I thought when named) he is an Easter egger and have had him since a chick. Him and his little sister have had daily handling. They used to love our mantle and we recently brought them back in to relax, which they loved. Gertie is now about 20 weeks and turning into a handful. We have a 10x12 converted shed to house 3 hens, Gertie, and a duck couple named willow and howdy. Howdy is there Drake and was always relentlessly chasing Gertie when younger (howdy is 8 months now). Tables are turned and now Gertie and howdy are size comparable and fight regularly.
My question is, with this history I'm wondering if Gertie's rooster phase and bad feelings to howdy will pass. Gertie still loves being held and pet but after his morning moodiness passes.
The duck couple did try to start a family recently, willow nesting very sweetly with howdy on guard however she left them after about a week even though we could see progress (whole other thread to start there)
Can roosters with a bad history with the Drake eventually get along? They have a very large run, 50 x 15ft with the shed and additional pen I keep open during the day.
Will Gertie get worse behavioral wise or is this his teenage, worse years we are experiencing?
Thanks for any feedback into rooster and duck cohabitating behaviors!
if possible you can keep the boys in an area separate from the girls in the spring and only let them together when you can see them, after the first spring both the boys should calm down
Drake is calm now it's the jaded rooster looking for payback and acting like the unruly, hormonal teenaged boy.
Good to know it should pass by spring. I've had to lift him off my girl duck every time I let them roam today. She's so frightened, he's brutal with her more than the chickens
It is a concern for more than just the males.

Drakes have a penis. Roosters do not.
A drake mating a chicken is likely to kill her.
Drakes and roosters are both hormonal beasties especially in the spring. That drake mounting that rooster again....likely to kill.

Separate spaces for separate species. More females for each male to prevent over breeding of females.
The Drake after his mate had eggs has calmed down he doesn't go after the chickens anymore. They pair of each were raised together and good until the late summer when I chased the Drake around each time he was trying to mate with the chicken. He's so much better behaved now it's the roosters time. Does cold affect the rooster? He again was relentlessly pursuing the female duck, tries to mate but is vicious about it so I pull him off and hold him and he's calm and sweet. It just seemed to start happening with this cold snap this week
And the Drake never tried to mount the rooster he just pulled his feathers, chased him and tried to mate with the two chickens I raised him with. I heard about the Drake's anatomy and how it could hurt the chickens so I monitored him all the time and kept him and his girl separate for the nights
The Drake after his mate had eggs has calmed down he doesn't go after the chickens anymore. They pair of each were raised together and good until the late summer when I chased the Drake around each time he was trying to mate with the chicken. He's so much better behaved now it's the roosters time. Does cold affect the rooster? He again was relentlessly pursuing the female duck, tries to mate but is vicious about it so I pull him off and hold him and he's calm and sweet. It just seemed to start happening with this cold snap this week

Straight up, night time is not the most likely time this behavior will happen.

For the safety of your chickens they should not be housed with or spend their days with a drake. Having just one female duck come spring mating season could prove dangerous for her as well.

It is up to you if you choose to risk it.
The ducks had a separate coop area that I will change them to, tonight they were so loud and raced to the other coop, went in through the chicken door despite the fear of the rooster. I had already calmed the rooster down at this point by holding and petting until he fell asleep. Sounds crazy I know lol then I put him on the loft roosting bar with his sister. It's a large 10x12 converted shed and the loft of prime real estate that the rooster now claimed.
I will get up while it's still dark to separate the rooster and sis. I spent so much hands on time with all of them this summer.. Just makes me a bit sad to have to separate the bonded chicken and duck pairs. Except for that one month in the summer, they were like worried parents to the chickens.
Thanks for all the advice! I was hoping with the very large run I made these issues wouldn't happen

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