Drake and rooster relationship


Jun 13, 2023
Hi! We are new to owning chicks and ducks. We have had our 2 hens, 1 rooster and 1 drake for about a year. One of our hens is broody. After we realized her eggs were not going to hatch we removed her and cleaned up and now our drake will not leave her alone. In the meantime, we brought in an adult female duck and have 2 3 month old ducks, 1 hen and 1 rooster. I think our drake thinks he is a rooster, the older rooster and the drake are the best of buds. If the drake starts to go after our hens and we try to pick up our drake the rooster gets all upset and is trying to protect the drake. Is this something that happens? I think at this point we may need to separate the drake from the flock. We did put him in a coop but the rooster just won't rest. He just paces outside the coop (which is located insider out much larger chicken area). Do I need to remove the rooster and the drake or just leave them be to work things out? Sorry for the lengthy question! It is just such odd behavior to us. TIA

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