Ducks - East Indies vs Muscovies


Wild Egg!
12 Years
Oct 13, 2007
What are your thoughts on these two breeds..... I love the tiny little East Indies - but the muscovie hiss and wag thing is so cute.

Please tell me about your ducks, the pro's and con's of these two so I can try make a decision.....
I will try my best to put pros and cons of each
East Indies
Pretty and small
Bad layers, super flighty, noisy, only one color

Come in many colors and even barred, great broodies of all eggs, they are adorable when they do the hiss-wag thing
Poor layers, have large claws(bad if they arent tame), they can nest high up in trees which gets annoying, longer incubation.
Thought some folks here said muscovies are good layers?

East Indies (according to Holdereads site) also come in blue. One pro of East Indies over muscovies... smaller duck = less mess
Get some calls
. But if you are set on one of those, get a few of both and keep them seperate. But if you can only get one kind then get muscovies.
I don't want super noisy ducks...
(kids make enough noise)

Thing is - I can get a trio of East Indies - so I won't be stuck with a bunch of boys....

I do LOVE the muscovies - I think they're adorable.... perhaps I should get a few eggs and take a chance.
I dont have east indies, but I have a couple calls and call crosses.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the rubber ducky quacking.
They are cute as all get out.
Theya re bossy and have atti-tude.

Can you say broody monster?

Intelligent, they will carry on a conversation with you as long as you don't bore them. They have a huge curiosity and need to be knowing what you are up to, especially if worms might be involved. I can't carry a pitchfork or shovel out back without a trail of ducks following me.
They are good yardwork supervisors, even risking life and limb to save you from the mean ol monster worms.
I find them to be good layers. They are calm, personable and beautiful.
If hand raised, they will love you forever. Even the big drakes, if he is attached to you, will be your snuggle bunny in the yard on a summer afternoon.
They are more likely to come to you and let you pet them and will eat out of your hands more than other ducks.

Sharp claws, I agree.

When your snuggle bunny drake is in "the mood" and chooses you as his blow up duck, (especially when they are separated from the females), it can be annoying, though I guarantee your neighbor will be endlessly entertained at the sight of you running away and pushing your imprinted drake away at the same time yelling " STOP IT!! I am your MOTHER! We do not mate with our MOTHERS!" My neighbor would consider this a Pro, however.

Stubborn. When they don't want to go in at night, they Period end of discussion.

Just get some of each and be done with it.
I could send you a couple eggs, wont gaurantee what type of DUCK will hatch though.

Yeah - I don't think you HAVE ducks! LOL You wanna send me silkie eggs or something!
See - that is all so dang CUTE...... and I'm all about cute - and that hiss and tail wag - gets me every time....

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