Ducks first swim in MONTHS *PICS*


Pheasant Obsessed
11 Years
Apr 1, 2008
The Sticks, Vermont
It has been a long winter for my ducks and finally, they have had a nice clean bath.
a nice clean bath.

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aww they are adorable! where did you get that pool? i have on like it but its too deep for the ducks (pekins) to climb out of. they get stuck.
They look so content - probably wondering why it took you soooo looonnnggg to get them back into some water.
Oh I bet they ar thankful!

My ducks must be spoiled, I change that water 2x a day no matter what the temperature or weather. If I don't they just stand around looking at the dirty water until I get the hint. And it might not make any sense, but they like to bathe in the rain and the snow.
Mine would be SO excited when i could take the pool out during the winter. but they love their water dirty. they pick up grass and dirt and anything else they can find and then put it in the pool. they like to play with everything in the water and eat the grass. silly ducks.

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