Ducks or Chickens?


12 Years
Sep 13, 2009
Stanley, North Dakota
next spring, i'm going to get some sort of poultry from my local TSC. I am in a perdicament though... ducks or chickens? i don't have room for turkeys, guineas, etc. so chickens and ducks pretty much are all i can get.

i live on a third an acre with 2 dogs that have killed my previous chickens (my siblings' dogs) and i have a small 3 by 4 foot coop (you can see it in this video: please note the video was taken a year ago and i no longer have those chicks) we will have a large chain-link dog kennel before we get any birds for the chickens or ducks

i'm really into breeding birds so of course i want a male of whatever species, but i can't have a rooster becuase the neighbors are way too close for the sound of crowing would not be a bother.

aslo, it gets about -10 to-20 around here in winter (i'm not quite sure as i hadn't been here in winter for a few years)

what do you guys suggest?
-Are messier then chickens.
-Will need a small kiddie pool (or some other source of water to swim around in).
-You will need to clean the kiddie pool quite often as they are quite messy.
-The drakes aren't loud (compared to roosters) therefore you could most likely have one.

-Roosters are loud so your neighbors may not like it.
-They aren't as messy as ducks.
-They are easier to tell gender of (compared to ducks).
-They won't need a pond/pool.

I have never owned ducks (but my family members have). I do however have 6 chickens. Keep in mind ducks are a little higher maintenance then chickens. Good Luck!
Instead of going to TSC, have you thought about getting some call ducks from a breeder? They are SO cute and relatively quiet!

I much prefer chickens, but going for the quiet and small spaces...maybe the call ducks could be in your ideals?
Female Call ducks are very load so you may want to stay away from them if noise is an issue but male Call ducks make great quiet pets if you do plan to go that direction. Chickens are much less messy then ducks so if changing gross water every day doesn't sound much like what you are looking for then stick to chickens, but personally I think it is much more fun to watch silly ducks doing their thing then chickens going about their day, but that’s just me.
I like watching my ducks, but I would hate cleaning up after them in a small area. Also, while they are fun to watch they aren't as friendly as my chickens. They are also louder, I don't even think I'll be able to hear my roo's if they ever start crowing over the ducks most of the time. I only have 3 ducks, I have 6 times that many chickens, and it takes more time to clean up after and change the duck's water than to care for the chickens. Also, my dog and others dogs have been fairly good with my chickens. The ducks, I think since they group together and run more, have always antagonized dog's into chasing them more.
If you went for ducks you could get Muscovies. They don't require a source of water to swim in (I have heard different accounts of some peoples' Scovies LOVING water, while others' won't touch it). And they are quiet -- they hiss instead of quack.
thanks for the input!

i have heard that ducks don't need water (but of course, if i got them, i'd get them some sort of pool)

besides the kiddie pool, how are they messier?

also, the area i'd keep them gets quite muddy when it rains and i think ducks could cope with that better

my parents don't want to go through ship dates and shipping prices

how man ducks could live in a 12 square ft space?
They need some sort of water dish deep enough to stick their bills in up to their nostrils, and be prepared to change it a lot. They will have it muddy and gross within hours, at most. I'm not sure what the official size requirements are, but they like to wander around very much. Is the 12 square foot space only for at night?
They need some sort of water dish deep enough to stick their bills in up to their nostrils, and be prepared to change it a lot. They will have it muddy and gross within hours, at most. I'm not sure what the official size requirements are, but they like to wander around very much. Is the 12 square foot space only for at night?

lol, well, i'm sure i could work with muddy waterers

Yes, besides for laying eggs, they probably won't use the coop except to sleep at night. which brings me to another question; do they need perches?

how affectionate are ducks usually?

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