Ducks want to stay on lake all the time!


May 22, 2015
We purchased two tiny Pekin ducks a couple of months ago and raised them primarily inside until they got big enough and it was warm enough to let them spend time outside. We do live on a small spring-fed lake, which is why we decided to get them, and now they never want to come to their coop! Also, they have made friends with the Canadian geese and mallards and tend to follow them around more than anything. We have a terrible time getting them to the coop at night and have let them spend the night on the lake several times, but i'm wondering... is this okay? It seems to be what they want, but from everything I've read they should be sleeping in their coop. Not sure what the right thing to do here is? Has anyone else had this problem?
We purchased two tiny Pekin ducks a couple of months ago and raised them primarily inside until they got big enough and it was warm enough to let them spend time outside. We do live on a small spring-fed lake, which is why we decided to get them, and now they never want to come to their coop! Also, they have made friends with the Canadian geese and mallards and tend to follow them around more than anything. We have a terrible time getting them to the coop at night and have let them spend the night on the lake several times, but i'm wondering... is this okay? It seems to be what they want, but from everything I've read they should be sleeping in their coop. Not sure what the right thing to do here is? Has anyone else had this problem?

Hi and welcome to BYC! You're right to be worried, it's not really safe for them on the lake at night. Lots of predators can and will swim out to get them. Or in the winter they will walk right out on the ice. You need to start training your ducks to come when called. Just use their favorite treat and say something easy to call out loudly. Say this every time you give them the treats. It will take lots of repetition, but they can learn!

I started out saying "duck, duck, duck" anytime I had treats for them, any time of the day, worms from the garden, mealworms in the afternoon, peas anytime some visitors came over and wanted to feed them. Now I just stand by their pen and call out "duck, duck ,duck!" They usually come running from whenever they are. When they get close enough, I throw a few peas or meal worms in there and they go right in. Works great for night time lockdown or anytime I need to lock them up while I'm gone.

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