Ducks without water overnight?


13 Years
May 13, 2008
South Central PA
How long can ducks go without water overnight, health-wise? I have just built a wonderful "duck hut" and would love to keep it dry but that means my ducks would be without water after dark until daybreak. Is this too long?
As long as you do not put food in the house you should be ok Ducks need water if they are eating. I use the bowl of greens and food to lore them in the house. I also do not put any bedding down outside of the nest. that way I can wash down the house every morning. It helps keep the flies away I find. Its to expensive to keep putting fresh bedding in there everyday.
I find the same thing with the bedding very expensive.I close my birds in at night with a bowl of food and water because I worry about them but, it sounds as tho they would be fine with no food or water at night? I worry about them choking. I read the constantly need water.Will they be ok without it?
They don't need food and water throughout the night so long as they have access to it in the morning and in the evening. Ducks and geese are notorious for playing in their water at night just for fun.
Yes, thanks! I am finding that out the hard way! Every morning it's spilled water looks like they had a party in there or something.Guess they'll have to go nights without the extra food and water.
Funny you should mention geese been thinking about getting a couple are the hard to raise? Do they get along good with chickens and ducks or do they need a seperate pen? I hear some breds can be nasty.
Mine have no food or water in their shelter at night and seem to be okay. But they seem to get it a little wet anyway. Just from coming after being in their pool I guess.
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Some goose breeds are much more aggressive and/or noisy than others. If you want a quiet, docile breed then try Pilgrims or American Buffs.

Once I can get my site updated, I'll have a bunch of information up about Pilgrims and geese in general I can toss out to you.
Thanks everyone. They are without water overnight and at the first sign of daylight I let them out to water. Seem fine. I guess I am wondering, come freezing temps, what will I do. Our pond doesn't freeze early unless it is a very cold winter. Anyone use a heated water dish?

As long as they don't have food, they can go without water overnight.

As everyone here as already said.

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