Ducky dad doesn’t appreciate the new baby

I’ll be listening then!! Lord’s Willing, when do they start that?
Usually around 6ish (-8)weeks or so. Mine will be 6 weeks Sunday and I have 1 definite female. I think the other 3 are males (but I’m also hoping they’re just late quackers) I’m also noticing the start of drake curls (yes people will say it’s too early BUT my pekin drakes from last year started getting them early too and now I know for sure that that’s what it was).

Those darn pekins 😉
Hi All, I came to ask basically the same question but I have two 1.5-week-old Call Ducklings (both small and girls) and I have two 3.5-week-old Rouens (gender unknown) and one of the Rouens always goes after the little Calls. I have them so they are together with a separator so they sleep next to each other but can't get to each other. The Calls have to follow me around the house every day while the big ducks are in their outdoor pen playing because they are so attached and need a big person or duck. Does anyone know if the big ducks will always pick on littler ducks just because they are little?
Hey friends! We have our adult Cayugas set up in the backyard. After circumstances led to this, we had only one duckling to hatch out of our last incubation. This happy new Cayuga is in a smaller pen within the adults pen, in an effort to get them accustomed to each other... it has been in that setup for 4 days. I know they need longer, but I turned the baby out with the big ducks for a second today, and let’s just say the daddy drake wasn’t amused. He started biting at her, and I grabbed her up and put her back in her smaller pen. In y’all’s experience, how long do you usually see it taking for ducks to warm up to each other? Is there anything else that helps?
Have a blessed one!
I will be going through this very soon myself but I have previous experience from my ducks. I would keep the baby away from the adults (you have it in a pen inside the adult pen so that’s good) especially the drake if you are not going to be there to supervise and make sure they don’t get the baby when they are out. Do not leave them alone with each other without your supervision.
What I’ve done it the past was once my babies had more than 75% of their feathers and their voices changed I deemed it to be the perfect time to introduced them to my flock. They will be chased for a while (or do the chasing themselves) but once everything settles down they will be happy as can be. Also it is slightly better for hens to hatch out the ducklings. Reason being is that the ducklings won’t be too afraid of the adults and they will have a pecking order established already. Either way as long as you make sure the babies are fine all should be well.

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