Ducky DO'S & DON'TS

Can't web feet get frostbite?
They rarely get it. My only encounter with it was when Chrissy had her foot exposed all night (thigh injured, couldn't pull her web under her) in -21c weather.

What should I NOT DO?
I'd suggest starting with threeish ducks, to get to know what you need to do for your climate etc. For me, the issue was handling winter water. Once I figured that out I ramped up my dux count by a lot, lol. Of course, you could always just start big and figure out issues on a mass scale. :p

I really haven't run into much so I don't have much to say on that part. I have only kept ducks "officially" for about a year and a half... have had several before then but I treated them same as chooks. I didn't know much about them.
I just want to join in and follow this thread. I too plan on getting ducks in spring, so now is the time to learn and plan. There has been great info so far! I happened across last year's chick/duckling calendar folded up as a page marker in one of my books the other day and saw that the first ducklings arrived at my local farm store in February last year! That's not far away at all, soooooo, the time to get ready for ducklings is now! So exciting. I'm going to pick up Storey's Guide to Ducks. I have Storey's Guild to Chickens and it has been the most valuable source of information both before actually getting birds and now that I have them. If you haven't looked at Storey's books I'd say they are a great investment. Yes, info can be found on the internet, but honestly everything is in these books and well outlined and easy to find etc. Good luck. It's going to be a fun adventure. Again, as others have said decide if you want them for meat or eggs or just pets or whatever. I am looking for eggs, and I would like a variety of breeds, so I am leaning towards Pekins (or Metzer's white layers), runners, and something else??
Central, Florida here so far my horror stories are; 2-3 Years ago we got 2 ducklings and raised them until they were about 7-8 months. They were killed by what we believe a fox digging under our fence and taking their heads off. They were Pekin and free range 24/7. This time around I started with 3 ducklings this year to try again, bought them from Rural King which said they were 6 weeks old. Still learning they all started to walk funny, after doing research they seemed to be niacin deficient. Also bought from a breeder 1 Blue Swedish duckling 2 weeks old. Treating the three from Niacin deficient, 1 didn't make it at all, 1 has a deformed leg and 1 has a slight limp. Not sure if maybe was a bad batch of genetics? The blue Swedish no problem. Believing the 3 left were all females once they got feathered, i went and bought 2 male ducks (drakes). 1 White and Fawn Runner and 1 Blue Swedish. Now my problem is two of the three are males, so 4 drakes to 1 female (the one with the bad leg). Trying to either trade or sell some of the drakes to use and buy females. The other problem is the flies. I have tried multiple ways to get rid of them fully, and using this site to help solve the problem. They are a little messy which is why I am moving them to the less used part of the backyard.Also recently i rescued an abandoned Muscovy duckling.
The good parts; So far they are fun to watch, the Muscovy has imprinted on us and will follow us around and let us hold her (hope its a her). They also put themselves in at night, they free range during the day and at sundown when i get home from work, they are either in their house or at the front of it waiting for me.

I hope you don't experience the horrors I have had so far, it has definitely been a learning experience.
fox digging under our fence
They also put themselves in at night, they free range during the day
Kind like sos w/chickens.. Our Collie pretty much keeps the preads away, or leaves them on the step by our sun deck to gross me out first thing in the morning.
Will my Roosters pick on the ducks? I free range my freezer pack. The go around like a flock of bullies and got a little Mob Rules action going on..
I clean the kiddie pool every day or every other day depending on how dirty they get the water.

Will my Roosters pick on the ducks? I free range my freezer pack. The go around like a flock of bullies and got a little Mob Rules action going on..
No. Ducks and chickens keep entirely separate pecking orders, in my experience. The ducks might sort of bite the chickens or pull their tails if they get a chance but that's it.

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