Ducky DO'S & DON'TS

Nah. I have nothing in my brain except DUX now.
:caf maybe she slept late. lol
I forgot to renew my PFM and was having trouble with ads and such bogging down my visits.

So, yesterday.. There was a sign hung up above the ducklings for sale at R.K. that said: "Do not feed medicated chick starter grower to ducklings"..
I ran out of regular starter crumble about 5 days ago and all the local feed store had was medicated. So I have been feeding medicated for 4 days.
What have I done to jeopardize the health of my new duckies? Should I be concerned. This morning I switched them to Manna Pro egg maker crumble because our local stores are all sold out of non med because spring time boom in sales of chick products.
This is a pic of their current size:
So question number 2, are they too young for a calcium boosting feed as well? I am really more concerned about the medicated feed and the adverse effects more than feeding them food intended for mature egg layers.

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