Hi Miss Lydia! I have removed all the eggs. She just checks her old haunts it seems.

I finally picked her up today and she is icky feeling (her feathers aren't smooth and fluffy, and her color has become dull). After some research, it looks like she might have an infected preen gland.

I think I will separate her and apply BANIXX (unless someone has a recommendation that is better for treating a possible bacterial/fungal infection without going to a vet - I would love any suggestions).

Thank you!!
Start her on some extra protein to see if that helps feather trouble. It may be she just needs a good molt too.
Can you post a picture of her preen gland? you might try using warm compresses on the preen gland if it's clogged.
Hi everyone!

Sorry for the dealy getting an update! Been a busy week.

So I spent some time watching black duck (yes it's her name :p) and it turns out she seems to be at the verrrry bottom of the pecking order with the other ducks. Firstly, the new ducks bully the old ones out of the pools, and even if they let them swim, black duck seems to only be permitted entry when the other old hens are done splashing around. I took some steps this week to ensure she got plenty of bath time and boy did she preen and preen and preen. I also give her some extra protein every day (which she greedily eats, even moreso than her sisters). She is already looking brighter and her feathers are much more water repellant (she had a little case of wet feather due to lack of adequate water & preening).

thank you all for your advice and support!
I have another issue that seems to be getting worse. One of my original 4 girls is looking ROUGH. She is getting beat up (I believe by her own group) when I'm not around - missing feathers on the back of her head, looking unkempt.

She swims, eats, runs around with the best of them, but is SUPER skiddish around the new ducks (which includes one drake who could be doing this at night to her).

Should I separate her for a little while until she gets her feathers back and seems to look brighter?
How long does a moult last? My girls are a year and a half and she's the only one who has ever looked even remotely moulty.
They can be pretty rough on each other very similar to how a drake would be.
Being broody can def take its toll on them especially if they don't come out and eat at least 1X a day. Is she actually sitting on any of the nest you find?
She goes back to all the nests I've found (they were completely free ranging before but now I have a portion of the yard fenced off, but I give them field days now and then). She won't sit on her nests all day, but will keep collecting clutches.
If none of the eggs are viable (by candling) why not take all eggs up and destroy the nest so she gets back to normal. It won’t happen over night but the hormones will eventually subside.

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