Due April 11th, anyone with me??? I hear peeping!

I can't go back thru 15 page so if this has been asked please forgive me. I see you have the eggs in carton bottoms. I have mine like that in the bater now because my turner quit. I'm wondering if it is easier or harder for the chicks to hatch out in cartons. It looks like they did it pretty easy. What is your opinion on that? Should I just leave them in the cartons? My thinking is that since the air sac is on top that that is where they will try to pip out but I'm no expert.
I was 2nd guessing the egg carton thing as soon as I locked down but now I know I will always hatch in cartons. They had no trouble at all getting up and out. Not even the bantams had trouble. I would leave them in

Looking good Bec! Congratulations!

I just cut down 3 cartons for you this morning, they'll be in with the eggs!
Not tried the cartons, maybe I should, the reduced airflow is what worries me but looks like it still works well.


the 4/9 babies are done, last one finished late last night. (this is not all of them, the rest were on the other side of the tank)

The next round is on lockdown in the hatcher, and 2 bantam Ameraucanas and at least 1 Pyncheon have pips so far.

Round 3 starts lockdown monday, they are going in the Suro to hatch.
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Well I still have 10. 1 pipped, zipped and then it looks like there is bubbly liquid coming out ??? Then I have another one who is zipping and looks to be moving in the right direction. 1 other pip but no further action so far. I am trying to be patient, they really aren't due until tomorrow so I am lucky that these 10 hatched early, but I am getting nervous about the others

bel- They are so cute!! Good job!!

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