Due April 11th, anyone with me??? I hear peeping!

YAYYYYY! How exciting! Congrats!!!!
So cute! looks like you are going to have an exciting day ahead of you Bec.
I am off to check on future babes going into day two of lockdown...the incubator is in my office at school so the kids could be part of it. They are loving the learning and it keeps my urge to peek down now that it is the weekend and they are not right beside me (eggs that is not kids;).
Good luck today and I hope to hear lots of new arrival announcements.
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I have 8 babies out and in the brooder since yesterday morning. One who needed help yesterday went to the brooder in her own little box this morning and now I have another pip in the bator and its day 23 for this batch.

Today is hatch day for bator #2 but have been having problems with humidity and temp. They are now at 99 degrees and 69% humidity.

Edited to say I changed out the bulb in this homemade bator and it made everything better.
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Hey everybody!!! Glad to hear everyone is doing great!!

I just got home and I have 6 happy little fuzzies in there!!! I have 3 that are zipping, I can't see the thermometer because the little monkeys tipped it over!! They keep sitting on the eggs that are hatching making it extra hard for those trying to get out!

I will have pics in a few!!!
Ok! Now I have 10 babies out and healthy!!! I had to open the bator a TINY bit to stick a straw through to flip over the thermometer. The humidity was at 81% anyway, so it dipped to 74% which is still good. Every one is doing great in there!!! Rowdy little group!!

Here is a before of row # 1

After pic of row # 1!!

Pile up of bantams!

This baby needed a break I think...lol!
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Holy cow!!!! Look at all those babies!! You did an awesome job with their hatch!!
I can't wait to see them all out and fluffy!!!
And I can't wait until next weekend!!!

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