Dumbest thing youve heard someone say about chickens or Farm animals ?

Yeah, and turtles. Make sure you specify chicken eggs next time you go to Denny's after bar closing, honey.


Yeah, and turtles. Make sure you specify chicken eggs next time you go to Denny's after bar closing, honey.



I guess it isn't funny if I have to explain it. I was suggesting that anyone who had to ask if eggs came from chickens could be duped into believing that restaurants might serve them turtle eggs if they weren't careful with their order.

It's a pun.

pasteurized = "Past your eyes"

I've found the second person in the world who truly understands me.
The most annoying is when i hear people look at my barred rocks and say,

"when i was a Boy/girl, we called those dominiques.
First of all, these are people who are 1oo years old and had chickens.

1. Dominiques have white legs.
2. Dominiquesave darker bars.
3. Dominiques have a rose comb.
4. Dominiques have a mottled appearance.
5. Then theres this woman that i wacthed by barred rocks out of the same box i bought mine whos are the same age as mine, and she called me a smart alec when i told her her birds were barred rocks
We were talking to my neighbor about getting chicks. I mentioned BA chicks and how they were black. She looked puzzled and said "I thought all baby chicks were yellow."

Other than that, just the usual "how do you get eggs with out a rooster?"
Wife says that chickens are dirty, disgusting and diseased. I wish I would have known that before I got maried.
I used to think that all chicks were yellow, (later) that all yellow chicks turned white as adults, that broody hens could sit on any old eggs and they would hatch, that a full crop was a deadly tumor, that chicken hiccups were severe breathing problems, that LF were actually bantams and bantams were something else, that bantams were just "runts", that roosters chase people because they think we're predators, that the single comb was the only time of comb, that chickens are perfectly safe if the coop doors are open all night (that one really cost me), that any hen would adopt new chicks just then and there, that.... *draws breath* ... Well, I can get away with all this, since I was just a little kid. One really learns so much by just watching chickens (I'm now a teenager).

The most annoying thing people bother me with when they see my chickens is "Wow, how can you remember all those names? Can you really tell them all apart?"
And then they laugh incredulously as though I have some sort of super-power.
I get this all the time. It is true that I have over fifty different names to remember, but you probably have even more friends and relatives whose names you can remember with ease! And about telling them apart, they are mostly all different breeds, and I can recognize any of my chickens from 300 feet away. It's just ridiculous.

Some people (not the ones around my area, thank goodness) also think homegrown eggs are something repulsive. And my own father used to be horrified by the thought of eating a little bantam egg! It's really not much different from a large egg, honestly! It's not filled with slugs!

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